Call for proposals: European Youth Together 2019


    The call for proposals for “European Youth Together” for the year 2019 has been released. The actions shall aim at promoting young people’s participation in European civic life as well as cross-border exchanges and mobility activities.


    The actions are meant to implement networks and promote regional partnerships involving young people from Erasmus + countries. Participants bodies can organise exchanges, promote trainings and allow young people themselves to set up joint projects

    The projects should involve at least five youth organisations from five different eligible Erasmus + countries to share their ideas about the EU, encourage wider civic participation and help foster a sense of European citizenship. The initiative aims to bring together European youth from across Europe on topic such as active citizenship, network-building, European values and European citizenship, democratic participation, democratic resilience and social inclusion related to youth. They shall comply with the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027.


    The total budget available for the co-financing of projects under the present call is EUR 5 000 000. The financial contribution from the EU is minimum EUR 100 000 and cannot exceed EUR 500 000. It is limited to a maximum co-financing rate of 80 % of the total eligible project costs.


    The application must be filled through the dedicated E-form, together with all the annexes provided on the official page of the call, by 18 July 2019 at 12.00 (midday, Brussels time).