How does youth networks work?

What is the problem?

After launching the petition Save the EVS we realize that only few Youth Organisations are active at policy level. Even if we train young people to be active in their community we are often passive when it comes at defending the quality of youth policies and international mobility. This is not a problem if policy makers take good choices but can be dramatic if they don’t. And this could happen after the next European Elections, it’s important to start to organize ourselves now. This is probably related with the “conflict of interest” as we receive money from EU and/or public funds. But we also realized that being active requires a big effort and often doesn’t give tangible results.

What can we do?

So we decided to create a space to make it easier and hopefully more fruitful to be active. This website is made to have all the elements that we need to be heard: policy analysis, interviews with policy makers and the space to launch a petition. Furthermore we need visibility and we need organisations to use it. For this reason we will post here grant opportunities, good practices and project results. The final goal is to become a benchmark in the international mobility and youth policy field so that our opinion won’t be ignored.

About the founders



We're a network born in 2018 aiming to change the European dynamics. We want to build with our partners an important network able to provide information and assistance to all the little European realities working in the Erasmus+ frame.



Associazione Joint , the funder of YouhNetworks has a great expertise in European projects. WE've been working on these thematics since 2003, approving more the 400 projects under the KA1, KA2 and KA3 frame.



We sent, host and involved more than 2000 volunteers in 15 years of activity. Many of them keep collaborating with us, some of us are part of our staff and many are running and working for other organisations.

The team

Tommaso Pescetto

Project Manager

President of Associazione Joint and working in the field of Youth Mobility since 2003. Project coordinator.

Francesco Malsapina

Marketing Manager

Founder and Marketing Manger of Associazione Joint since 2003, he has been running all the communication strategies online and offline!

Laura Dall'Omo

Editor in Chief

Editing and checking all the online contents of Associazione Joint since 2015. Editor in chief of the online newspaper scambiinternazionali.it

Liliana Farello


I work for Associazione Joint, for which I manage the online contents. There's a globe on the desk and a suitcase in my mind

Simone Guiducci

Website Developer

Working for Associazione Joint since 2016, he takes care of all the websites development and social media strategies!



If you want to publish on our website, promote a petition or suggest us new contents, please joint the YouthNetwork!

*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein