Fairy Tales Life: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project

KA2 strategic partnership

The “Fairy Tales Life” project is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project involving four different countries:

It started back in July 2019, with the very first event as a Transnational Training Course in Turin, Italy. During such event, teachers and youth workers from partner organisations experienced the Fairy Tales Life Storytelling Cards Method themselves. They learned and discovered how to implement the method in the 1st round of national workshops with school students, that took place later on in December.

Purpose of the project

The intent of this Strategic Partnership is to build an inclusive approach to formal and non-formal education on the basis of storytelling, through a specific practice, the “Fairy Tale Life cards”.


The method includes the use of a deck of cards to create stories, under the inspiration of Vladimir Jakovlevič Propp’s cards and studies, about the identification of structures and elements recurring in the stories and tales, where diversity and different types of disadvantages are a factor belonging to the characters.

The Fairy Tales Life Storytelling Cards is a method that young people can use, with their own imagination, life experiences and empathic skills in order to work on Social Inclusion. The basis is an empty deck of cards and some supporting activities, but anyone is free to use only a part of it, the whole method or just to adapt it according to the needs of their target group.

Each time a group plays, they create a new and customized deck of cards. The group itself creates all the cards and actually draws them. Each deck of cards is a new adventure, with different settings, themes and characters. The creation of the deck of cards is the real challenge and the core of the method.

Project’s Results

The outputs of the project are meant to be disseminated to teachers and young people, who want to experiment social inclusion through this new, innovative way.

The results and outputs are downloadable.

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