Toolbox on Values, Sustainability and Social Impact of Social-Solidarity Economy

social solidarity economy

SSEds is a project started in January 2020 that involves 7 organisations from 4 different countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and France).

The partners of the project are:

The Project

The overall objective of the project is to visualize the social impact of entrepreneurship initiatives in SSE, especially those ones promoted by young people.

According to that, SSEds wants to:

  • reinforce methodologies to accompany young people in entrepreneurship in SSE, especially those with fewer opportunities;
  • strengthen the competences and visions in SSE so that young people can undertake initiatives in their communities;
  • elaborate new tools for SSE, fruit of a collective creation;
  • create instruments for the evaluation of the social impact of SSE initiatives.

Over its duration, from January 2020 to December 2021, the partners of SSEds have elaborated 2 intellectual outputs:

  • a “Toolbox on values, sustainability and social impact of the ESS
  • a “Training Module to approach young people to the ESS“, with focus on the social impact of the ESS

Toolbox on Values, Sustainability and Social Impact of the ESS

The “Toolbox on values, sustainability and social impact of the Social and Solidarity Economy” intends to provide SSE actors, who guide and educate (mostly) in sustainable and value-based SSE activities, a user-friendly system of classified SSE tools/methods. These tools/methods should be useful, at different stages and with different purposes and target groups, to guide young people towards their entrepreneurship in SSE.

Part of the Toolbox, the Imp’Act tool guides the user through building their own social impact assessment of an SSE project or initiative. It grounds on the values and principles of SSE, but it is applicable to all kinds of social projects and initiatives, also outside the SSE field.

Training Module to Approach Young People to the ESS

This training module provides concrete educational approaches to focus on social impact, for young people who are in the process of creating an SSE project. Overall, it aims at maximizing the potential for social transformation of future SSE initiatives.

“On a train to social impact” grounds on the principles of non-formal education and is a resource for facilitators that support young people in their educational path towards Social Solidarity Economy.

Outputs’ Objectives

Such outputs have been created for the benefit of young people and the actors of social and solidarity economy who want to deepen their knowledge over the topic and to train themselves on the social impact.

Read also

TOSCA – Online Training for Youth Organisations of European Solidarity Corps


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