Youthpass Overview 2022



As of 2022, over 1.4 million Youthpass certificates have been created for more than 85,000 projects run by around 32,000 organisations. To mark its importance, Youthpass is a tool and process that promotes reflection, documentation, and recognition of learning outcomes from youth work and solidarity activities. It is available to young people and youth workers participating in projects funded by the Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programs. 

Let’s now see some data from a 2022 overview of Youthpass. Keep reading!

Youthpass in Numbers

In 2022 alone, 195,989 Youthpass certificates were issued to participants in 9,695 projects run by 5,120 organisations.

In 2022, the new Youthpass certificates for the 2021-2027 programs were launched, allowing for the listing of several activities within the same project, providing:

  • further evidence of learning
  • issuing certificates for team members
  • using the ETS Competence Model for youth work practitioners as learners in a project;

Furthermore, accessibility to the Youthpass tool and certificates has been enhanced, making the certificates for the 2021-2027 programs screen reader-compatible.

To strengthen the work under the Youthpass Strategy, several projects, including expert meetings within the FOCUS Learning project, the Expert Seminar on Learning Environments, and the pilot training course Learning Playground in Volunteering were realised. 

Youthpass <3 Corps, a new facilitated edition of the open online course, was also developed to equip support staff working for the European Solidarity Corps with the necessary information and competences they need to implement the Youthpass process.


In 2023, Youthpass plans to extend its coverage to include the decentralised DiscoverEU action, utilise learner accounts and electronic signatures, and implement further conceptual and technical improvements.

Youthpass is a significant tool for supporting non-formal and informal learning, promoting recognition and validation in the European youth field. As it continues to develop, it will undoubtedly contribute to further innovation in this area.


Read more:

Inclusion in Mobility Projects | Training Course on the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities

ID Temperature Check Tool: Assessing Your National Agency’s Inclusion and Diversity Efforts


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