ID Temperature Check Tool: Assessing Your National Agency’s Inclusion and Diversity Efforts



Diversity and inclusion are crucial aspects of any organisation, including National Agencies. To assess the inclusion and diversity efforts of your National Agency, a new tool called the ID Temperature Check has been introduced. The tool includes a set of questionnaires that evaluate the progress of National Agencies in five key areas, including ID strategy, communication, programs and supportive approach, trainings and events, and organisational development. In this article, we will see the ID Temperature Check Tool in more detail.

ID Temperature Check: 5 key areas

  • ID Strategy: assess the comprehensiveness of your Inclusion and Diversity Strategy using a downloadable or online questionnaire.
  • Communication: evaluate the inclusion and diversity approach of your communication team, materials, and channels. Use this downloadable or online questionnaire.
  • Programmes and supportive approach: assess the application of inclusion and diversity in your programs. Here’s the online questionnaire and the PDF version.
  • Trainings & events: evaluate the design and implementation of your trainings and events regarding inclusion and diversity. You can use the PDF questionnaire here, or access the online version.
  • Organisational development: this assessment can provide valuable insight into how your organisation can improve in the area of inclusion and diversity. Download or access the online questionnaire.

Once you finish answering each online questionnaire, the system will automatically generate a report and send it to you via email. This report will provide you with a bunch of resources and best practices to help your National Agency keep improving its inclusion and diversity efforts in the areas that were evaluated.


The ID Temperature Check Tool is a valuable resource for National Agencies to assess their inclusion and diversity efforts. This tool can contribute to creating more inclusive and diverse National Agencies, which is crucial for building a better society. 

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