International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”

international seminar civil society entrepreneurship ecosystem

Civil Society Organisations and NGOs play a relevant role inside the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Despite acting differently, business associations, not-for-profit organisations, think-tanks, fab-labs, incubators and talent gardens have all a significant impact on the entrepreneurship environment. For this reason, the organisations involved in innovation, international cooperation and entrepreneurship are warmly invited to participate and give their contribution to the International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”.

The seminar represents an opportunity to meet other like-minded actors of the same field, to increase networking, and to exchange knowledge and good practices. Your contribution is an added value to a meeting that marks the conclusion of the EU-Turkish project “Speaking the Same Language”. The project, carried out by ANSIAD (Antalya Industrialists and Business People Association), Associazione di promozione sociale Joint and No Borders, is part of the European-Turkish cooperation among Civil Society Organisations and has been funded with EU funds. The aims of the project are:

  • strengthening entrepreneurship and establish formal cooperation among cross-sectorial stakeholders;
  • enabling the Exchange of knowledge and good practices among CSOs to support career development and entrepreneurial skills of young people;
  • enabling intercultural learning experience among Turkish and European stakeholders;
  • supporting personal and professional skills for young people to increase their employability.

The seminar sees the participation of 50 stakeholders from Europe and Turkey. The aim is to discuss how Civil Society Organisations from Turkey and Europe can cooperate more effectively in entrepreneurial activities, what challenges they may face while enabling new collaborations in this field and creating future partnerships and common projects.

The Seminar is held online on December 16-17th 2020 and the schedule is as follows:

1st day (December 16th 2020)

11-11.30 am: opening speeches and presentation of the project
Speaker: Akın Akay AKINCI, ANSIAD Chairman of The Board
11.30-11.50 am: the role of civil society in the entrepreneurial ecosystem – overview
– Assoc. Prof. Nuray ATSAN, Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
– Nikolaus MEYER-LANDRUT, Head of EU Delegation to Turkey: Why EU gives importance to civil society dialogue between EU-TR?
– Mr Sezai HAZIR, Habitat Association Founder & President: How does CSOs contribute to the entrepreneurship eco-system in Turkey?
– Mr Orhan TURAN, President of TURKONFED: “Importance of EU-Turkey Dialogue from the Perspective of Business World CSOs”
– Mr İsmail HAZNEDAR, 2015 President of JCI Global: Importance of CSOs’ Support to Youth Entrepreneurship
– Mr Tommaso PESCETTO COSENTINO, General Manager of Joint Association: Importance of International Collaboration & Networks in Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship.

11.50-12 am: break
12-1.30 pm: the role of civil society in entrepreneurship ecosystem
1.30-2 pm: break
2-3 pm: small groups workshops: developing suggestions by stakeholders from civil society and other sectors
3.30 pm: closure

2nd day (December 17th 2020)

11-12 am: networking event – part 1
12-12.15 pm: break
12.15-1.15 pm: networking event – part 2
1.15-1.45 pm: general evaluation
1.45 pm: closure

The entire seminar is in English with simultaneous translation when needed. To participate, it is necessary to fill out the form.

Read also:

Introduction Day of “Step Into Solidarity” – Online Conference


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