In the field of online learning about Erasmus Plus and the European Solidarity Corps programmes, S.A.L.T.O. Youth has made available an online tool.
The HOP is a community that brings together learners, authors and facilitators of online courses and National Agencies of both European youth programmes as well as the SALTO Resource Centres to work together on rising the quality in youth projects.
The HOP fosters online learning in Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps programmes. It offers growing number of online courses targeting different aspects of European youth work.
HOP Erasmus Online Learning Tool

The platform makes available many resources and tools to use for your convenience on online learning about Erasmus Plus. Starting from the online platform itself, it displays resources and information about:
- Youthpass;
- Challenges to face in rural and marginalized areas;
- Intercultural competence and how to improve it;
- Training for mentors;
- Solidarity in Balkan region;
- Youth work in the Euro-med area;
- Digital youth work.
The above topics are part of specific online courses to join anytime and learn at your own pace.
Other Resources
A part from the online platform, HOP is also an up-to-date Facebook page that shares useful contents with frequency. There they publish interesting materials and information about online learning, in line with the needs of youth workers.
Moreover, on HOP is available a space for KA2 and KA3 consortiums that include online courses and need a space offer to hold them.
The HOP Library is whilst a resource tool to find information about European youth work.
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