The Position Paper “Improve inclusion of highly vulnerable young people in international mobility in the framework of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps” was created by an international consortium put together by Associazione Joint.
The involved organisations are experienced in conducting mobility projects within the framework of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes. The consortium is composed of a number of 26 organisations from 14 countries and has been focusing on the topic of inclusion, particularly addressing the inclusion of groups of young people that find themselves in highly vulnerable situations and could benefit in their life path from a potential participation in an E+ mobility or an ESC project.
Highly Vulnerable Groups
The consortium has gathered around a common understanding of the concept of highly vulnerable groups of young people.
Therefore, they have agreed that a highly vulnerable young person is a person that is living in a situation of vulnerability and who is facing an overlapping of potential exclusion factors, of which at least one is a long-term or permanent condition. Their involvement in mobility activities implies a need for a long term structural support system to be put in place by all partners in the project and promoted by National Agencies and European stakeholders.
This document is the product of work done at the Annual Meeting of the Network of AssociazioneJoint, held in November 2022. This document, therefore, represents the conclusions of the work of the representatives of 26 organisations, who signed the text:
- Associazione di promozione sociale Joint(Italy);
- Asociación Madrid Outdoor Education (Spain);
- Asociatia Curba de Cultura (Romania);
- Associacao Social Recreativa Juventude VilaFonche (Portugal);
- Athens Youth Path (Greece);
- Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Delegação deBraga (Portugal);
- DOTS-Cooperativa de Inovação Social para aTransformação Social (Portugal);
- Dreaming OPEnly (Germany);
- Dypall Network: Associacao para oDesenvolvimento da Participacao Cidada (Portugal);
- En Root (France);
- Fundacja Integracji Spolecznej PROM (Poland);
- Genesis ZS (Czech Republic);
- Grenzkultur GGMBH (Germany);
- Koinoniki Synetairistiki Epicheirisi Sillogikis kai Koinonikis Ofeleias Infinity Greece (Greece);
- Neolea Gia Antalagi kai Katanoisi(Cyprus);
- NoBorders (Italy);
- Nuoriso-ja luontomatkailukeskus Oivanki (Finland);
- Obcianske Zdruzenie KERIC (Slovakia);
- P.E.CO.-Progetti Europei di Cooperazione (Italy);
- Parcours leMondeSudOuest(France);
- RegionalneCentrumWolontariatu (Poland);
- Travelnest Egyesület (Hungary);
- YeTooPonese: espacio para la gestion de ineditos viables (Spain);
- Zachodniopomorska wojewódzka komendaOHPw szczecinie (Poland);
- Zveza Drustev Mladinski Center Postojna (Slovenia)