European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027: First Call for Proposals

european solidarity corps call proposals

The European Commission has today announced the first call for proposals under the new European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027.

This year’s priority will be health and will mobilise volunteers to work on projects addressing health challenges, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and recovery. Thanks to the budget approved late in December for the European Solidarity Corps programme, the first year of action will see more than €138 million in funding.

We also know that one of news concerning European Solidarity Corps is the inclusion of the volunteering activities in support of humanitarian aid operations (EU Aid Volunteers scheme). Thus from next year, the programme will also allow young people to volunteer in humanitarian aid activities worldwide.

EU priorities

Among the objectives to pursue, here are the four main ones:

  • Promoting inclusion and diversity;
  • Making projects ‘greener’ and encouraging environmentally sustainable and responsible behaviour among participants and participating organisations;
  • Supporting the digital transition through projects and activities that boost digital skills, foster digital literacy and develop understanding of the risks and opportunities of digital technology;
  • Promoting the participation of young people in democratic processes and civic engagement.

In addition to them, each year the Commission may add other priorities, such as has happened this year with health.

How to Take Part

In order to submit your projects, your organisation must have received the Quality Label. It certifies the high quality solidarity activities’ standards in compliance with the principles, objectives and requirements of the programme.

You can apply for funding with the help of Nationa Agency of your country.


The application period for the Call for Proposals under the new European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027 programme opens on April 15th. And the first deadline is on May 28th 2021. Applications for the quality label for solidarity volunteering can be submitted anytime. The deadline to apply for the quality label for humanitarian aid volunteering is 22 September 2021.

See the ESC 2021-2027 Factsheet.

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