YouthWIKI: Europe Encyclopedia of National Youth Policies

youth policies

Available on the official website of the European Commission, the YouthWIKI is an online platform presenting information on European countries’ youth policies.

The main objective of the YouthWIKI is to support European cooperation in the field of Youth. It does so by providing information on national policies in support of young people. The platform is user-friendly and continuously updated.

The overall purpose of the platform is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, by providing information on reforms and initiatives. It allows the exchange of information and innovative approaches and can substantiate peer learning activities.

YouthWIKI: National Youth Policies

There are 32 countries currently participating in giving their contribution to the platform’s contents.

The themes and topics that YouthWIKI addresses are:

  • Youth Policy Governance;
  • Voluntary Activities;
  • Employment and Entrepreneurship;
  • Social Inclusion;
  • Participation;
  • Education and Training;
  • Health and Well-Being;
  • Creativity and Culture;
  • Youth and the World;
  • Youth Work.

The project goes under the EU Youth Strategy and aims at building cooperation among EU Member States participating in the Erasmus Plus programme, to collaborate in the development of their youth policies with the support of the European Commission.

YouthWIKI: Contents

The main source of information are official documents originating from national top-level authorities in the youth field. On the platform you can also find studies, surveys, analyses or assessments/evaluations by public authorities or research centers, experts, think-tanks.

The content of the Youth Wiki is shaped by the policy priorities established by the European Commission and the Member States in the framework of the European cooperation in the youth field.

There is an interactive map that illustrates the main policies and programmes for young people across Europe.

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