Pilot VET mobility call between EU and Western Balkans, Turkey and Africa

    Pilot VET mobility call between EU and Western Balkans, Turkey and Africa

    Open call for a pilot mobility scheme for vocational education and training (VET, reference EAC/S34/2018). Deadline14.05.2019 at 12:00 (Brussels time).

    The new initative will enable EU colleges to set up exchanges and networks with colleges settled in Western Balkans, Turkey and Africa (for a list of the countries involved, see the Commission’s website).

    Students and staff will be able to travel between institutions, improving the skills of VET teachers and learners and having the chance to exchange good practices as well – like ideas and techniques between regions.

    Eligible participants

    The applicant answering the call must be an eligible organisation registered in an EU Member State.

    Organisations eligible to take part can be a public or private VET provider, consortium or a company involved in VET. They must be based in an EU Member State or one of the eligible partner countries.There can also be an advisory role for other players such as NGOs, local authorities, SMEs, etc.

    The projects are split in two lots:

    • in the first (partnerships between EU countries and Western Balkans/Turkey) there must be involved at least six organisations – three from EU and three from the other above-mentioned partner countries.
    • In the second (partnerships with African Countries), there must be at lease thirteen organisations involved, minimum three organisations from three different EU Member States and ten organisations from ten different African countries targeted by this action and covering the five regions of Africa. For the specific list of the African countries involved, please refer to the official website.

    Pilot VET mobility call between EU and Western Balkans, Turkey and Africa

    More information and documents are to be published around mid-March.