Call #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards: the EU commitment to wellness and health


    The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards invites all organisations in Europe – public or private, commercial or not-for-profit – to submit their projects related to sport activities and social inclusion. This is in the framework of the European Week of Sport, planned for 23-30 September 2019.

    The benchmark for the evaluation of the projects is the social dimension. The following criteria will be taken into account:

    •    Relevance of the proposal stretching-muscles-call
    •    quality of the proposal
    •    cost-benefit ratio and
    •    impact.

    Here you can find all the specific Rules of contest. For more informaton, have a look at the official website.

    The prize

    The winners (three) will get an award of EUR 10.000 during a ceremony in Brussels, planned for November.

    The pr dumbbells-call ojects shall inspire other organisations and individuals around Europe. The winners will in fact present them during the ceremony in front of experts.

    Additional prizes of EUR 2.500 each will also be available for six other relevant projects.


    The deadline in on 23 July 2019, 12:00 Brussels time.