Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training providers


    The aim of this call is to support projects for the creation of transnational and national networks and partnerships of VET providers in initial and continuing VET with a view to supporting policy reflection at a European level, as well as promoting awareness and implementation of European VET policies at national and regional levels. This grant offers the opportunity to work and get in touch with the projects of the European Commission.

    Activities must start between 1 September 2019 and 1 November 2019. The duration of the projects is 24 months. The grant is available since 31 Of January 2019

    The main goal of the activities is to support the establishment and/or reinforcement of VET providers’ networks and partnerships, aimed at building capacity at grass root level for the effective implementation of European programmes, initiatives and priorities in the field of VET, including those agreed within the context of the Copenhagen process

    Eligible applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

    1. Relevance of the project (Maximum 30 points – Threshold: minimum 16 points);
    2. Quality of the project design and implementation (Maximum 20 points – Threshold: minimum 11 points);
    3. Quality of the project consortium and cooperation arrangements (Maximum 30 points – Threshold: minimum 16 points);
    4. Impact and dissemination (Maximum 20 points – Threshold: minimum 11 points).

    To be considered for funding, applications must score at least 60 points (out of 100 points in total), also taking into account the necessary minimum threshold for each of the four award criteria.

    Organisations wishing to apply for the Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers call are invited to submit their applications online to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.

    You can visit the original offer here.