Sector Skills Alliances 2019-Call EAC/A03/2018

    sector skills alliances selection

    Organizations wishing to apply for Sector Skills Alliances under Erasmus+ KA2 are invited to submit applications online by 28 February 2019 at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.

    Before starting your application:

    1.Read carefully the relevant section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, as well as the Instructions for the Application Package.

    2.Applicants must have a EULogin (European Commissi on Authentication Service) account. If you already have an EULogin account, you may use it, otherwise, click here to create the EULogin account. When you have created your EULogin account, return to this page.

    You are now ready to start the application process:

    1.The applicant and all partner and affiliated organisations must be registered in the Participant Portal (to be soon developed into the new Funding and Tenders Portal“) Organisations that register in the Portal receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC) that will be requested in the application form.

    2.If you don’t have a PIC yet, your organisation should register in the Participant Portal. To access the Participant Portal, you will also need your EULogin username and password.

    Applicants should attach in the Portal:

    The Legal entity form accompanied by the statutes of the applicant organisation
    The Financial identification form duly completed and certified by the bank
    3.Create your official electronic application form, also called the eForm (please refer to the eForm section).

    Completing your application

    1.Please do not forget to complete the compulsory annexes to the eForm.

    2.Once you have completed the eForm and attached the annexes, validate it. This triggers an automatic check that informs you if your application form is complete. If this is the case, you can submit it online.

    3.When you have submitted your application online, you should receive a confirmation email and reference number. If not, contact the helpdesk.

    Please DO NOT SEND A COPY of the e-form and the attached documents by post or email to EACEA.

    For practical details on how to use the Participant Portal, please consult the Portal’s frequently asked questions, and the User Guide

    &nbspIf you are looking for additional information about Sector Skills Alliances, or if you have specific questions on the application process, you are kindly invited to send an email to the following mailbox:

    [email protected]

    If, after referring to the eForm User Guide you still have technical questions or have encountered a technical problem, please contact the HelpDesk services.

    HelpDesk e-mail address: [email protected]

    HelpDesk phone: +32 2 299 0705