EU Youth Strategy | Empowerment of Young People

EU Youth Strategy

The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for European cooperation in the youth field for 2019-2027.

The Strategy promises to help more young people get the opportunities they need to succeed in life and reach out to a wider range of young people. It also aims to help young people overcome social barriers, as youth poverty.

The EYS aims to improve the situation of young people in Europe by creating more equal opportunities.

Three core areas have been developed for the EYS, they can be summarized in three words:

  • Engage,
  • Connect, and
  • Empower.

What is the EU Youth Strategy Platform?

The EU Youth Strategy Platform helps young people in Europe to have a better future.

A long time ago, the EU said young people should have a better future than their parents did. Therefore, the EU Youth Strategy tries to bring together all of the different people who want to help young generations in order to make good things happen for them.

Lots of countries in Europe have a strategy to improve the lives of young people. The EU Youth Strategy Platform helps the countries decide which programs to undertake.

The platform also aims to build a basis for a regular civic dialogue, to give stakeholders a greater role in coordinating the implementation of the strategy and to offer opportunities to exchange information on activities and results.

Discover the free e-learning to have a better understanding of the EU Youth Strategy

Associazione Joint has developed an online platform to gather information, media and more about the EU Youth Strategy. This was done to promote access and spread information among the youngsters.

Moreover, a completely free e-learning tool is available within the platform to go through all the aspects of the program and gain a better understanding of itself.

Access the e-learning platform.

Download the handbooks about Erasmus+ projects and youth goal methodologies.

Associazione Joint also developed two useful free-to-download handbooks.

A collection of exemplary Erasmus plus and ESC projects



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