Conference EUROTUREC on Erasmus+ for new-comers

euroturec conference erasmus

3rd Euroturec conference: Technical presentation of Erasmus+ Programme with National Agency and NGO experts and networking opportunity

Looking for organisations with a high interest in expanding to the youth sector and especially in the youth exchanges field.

The team of the EUROTUREC project (CSD-VI), with the support from National Agencies and of external experts from experienced NGOs will hold an online conference on April 6th 2022, from 1.30pm to 4.00pm CET (from 3.30pm to 6pm Turkish Time). The conference is addressed to organisations with none or limited experience in Erasmus+ Programme and will be the occasion to present the opportunities of this Programme for this type of Civil Society Organisations. The conference will have simultaneous translation from English to Turkish to foster the participation of Turkish Civil Society Organisations

Aim of the Conference

  • connect interested organisations in Erasmus+ opportunities with specialists of the field that will openly share their experiences, good practices and challenges;
  • interactive presentations of the main opportunities, their differences and specifications;
  • opportunity of networking with organisations across Europe from the participating countries;
  • Work in small groups to design new project ideas.


13:30 Get to know each other and introduction to the call
14:00 Presentation of the opportunities by experts, interactive dialogue with the applicants
14:45 Work in breakout rooms with a given model case scenario for cooperation
15:20 Presentation of the project ideas
16:00 Closing and feedback on the call


How To Apply and Additional Information

Find out more about the Erasmus Plus KA1 opportunities!

Apply to save a spot for the conference. The application deadline is March 21st 2022


“EUROTUREC” (ref num. CSD-VI/372) is supported by the EU Programme “Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-VI)”. The aim of the Program is to foster cooperation between the Turkish and European Civil Society.

EUROTUREC is the follow-up of GloCal Recognition (CSD-V/397) and it aims at fostering the recognition and establish long-term cooperation between Turkish and European CSOs.

The main concrete objectives are:

1- reinforce partnerships and create concrete support to foster cooperation opportunities between Turkish and European CSOs;

2- further development of certification-and-support tools for volunteers and CSOs’ staff;

3- train organisations’ key members in volunteers’ management, networking and project development;

4- increase the number of CSOs and of young people benefitting from the GloRe system and network;

5- reinforce the network internal governance fostering a sense of belonging and reliability;

6- boost the recognition of involved CSOs and the civil society ecosystem through activities of analysis, networking and dissemination.

About The GloRe Network

The GloRe Network is the umbrella organisation that overviews the correct usage of the platform and the memberships. Organisations need to become members of it to be able to use the certificate platform. For more information visit this page.

Read also

EUROTUREC Study Visit in Milan on Good Practices in the Field of Volunteering

EUROTUREC Study Visit in Istanbul to Exchange Good Practices


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