Education for Environmental Sustainability  | EU Actions



Involving young people in caring for the environmental sustainability is really important to Europe’s view on education.

People of all ages should learn how to know more, do better, and care about living in a way that’s good for the Earth.

This includes using resources wisely, being healthy, and working together to make Europe greener and more sustainable.

Discover the actions and initiatives that Europe is taking to spread the importance of environmental education among young Europeans.

The aim of the intiatives

The European Commission aids EU Member States by:

  • Providing learners and educators with the necessary knowledge and skills for a more sustainable society.
  • Assisting education institutions in integrating sustainability into teaching, learning, and overall operations.
  • Promoting a collective understanding of the significant changes required in education and training to support sustainability and the transition to a greener future.

What is the EU doing?

The European Commission is actively involved in developing initiatives to enhance education for a more sustainable future.

Among these initiatives is a proposal for a Council Recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability. The purpose is to encourage and support Member States in incorporating environmental education into their systems and promoting collaboration on this aspect across the European Union.

In conjunction with this Recommendation, the Commission is in the process of creating a European Sustainability Competence Framework.

This framework outlines the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes that learners should have to address climate change and contribute to sustainable development. The overarching goal is to establish a shared understanding of these competences, ensuring that everyone agrees on what students at all educational levels should learn to promote eco-friendly practices.

The EU actions about environmental education

Among the initiatives promoted by the European Union there are the following:

  1. Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development. With this initiative it is possible to actively involve students and staff, local authorities, youth organisations and the research and innovation community in learning for sustainability.
  2. Learning for sustainability working groupThe European Commission helps put the Recommendation into action through a special group that focuses on sustainability in education. This group has over 40 members, including people from education ministries, social partners, NGOs, and international organizations.
  3. European competence framework on sustainabilityThis framework, available in all official EU languages, can be used in school and training programs, as well as in formal and informal learning environments.
  4. Erasmus+ Teacher academies. Erasmus+ Teacher Academies is a key part of the current Erasmus+ program. Its aim is to form partnerships among European teacher education and training providers, enhancing the European and global aspects of teacher education in Europe.

Discover more about the initiative

If you want to know more about the various European initiatives for the environment visit the official website!


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