erasmus+ application Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:50:28 +0000 en hourly 1 Erasmus+ 2021 Forms: Let’s Have a Look Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:50:24 +0000 The new Erasmus+ 2021 Forms (Key Action 1) have been published a couple of days ago. Since then, we have been testing the Forms for everyone’s convenience. Here we are to share with you all our findings. It is a general overview about what to expect from Erasmus+ 2021 Forms considering the deadline on May […]

L'articolo Erasmus+ 2021 Forms: Let’s Have a Look proviene da Youth Networks.

The new Erasmus+ 2021 Forms (Key Action 1) have been published a couple of days ago. Since then, we have been testing the Forms for everyone’s convenience. Here we are to share with you all our findings. It is a general overview about what to expect from Erasmus+ 2021 Forms considering the deadline on May 11th 2021. A small room for our personal considerations too. We focused especially on the Youth Exchanges Forms but, as we said, this is also a general overview.


You can reach out to the Erasmus+ 2021 Forms from the website. The page is accessible even if you do not yet have an EU Login account, however most of the actions you can perform as an applicant or awarded beneficiary require signing in.

The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform is the single entry point to the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes for the Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027. It enables applicants and beneficiaries to:

  1. Search for registered organisations participating in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps decentralised actions.
  2. Register their organisation for participation in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps decentralised actions.
  3. Submit applications for grants and/or accreditation for decentralised actions.
  4. Manage ongoing projects.

Identification Numbers

The identification numbers of Youth Exchanges and Youth Workers Mobility Projects have changed. KA105 is no longer what to refer to. The new identifications numbers are in fact:

  • KA151-YOU: Youth Exchanges of entities with accreditation.
  • KA152-YOU: Youth Exchanges
  • KA153-YOU: Youth Workers Mobility Projects
  • KA154-YOU: Activities with youth participation

Erasmus+ 2021 Forms: What Changed?

The titles of each section is slightly different, for example you will find “rational”, “details”, “management”, “details”… There are new questions: the first one about sustainability, that requires the explanation on how to maintain the outcome of the project after finished and how to guarantee that the results are beneficial after the project is over. The second one is about the usage of virtual tools (in line with the the European strategy for a larger digitalisation). In this section is necessary to explain whether you will use virtual activities before, during or after the project. The third one, is a question about environmental sustainability. So keep in mind that if you are forecasting to include any eco-friendly feature in your project, this must go here.

Did We Spot a Typo?

On the Erasmus+ Guide 2021 we have seen that for each participant is provided €575 funds with reference to the preparatory visit. However, if we try to put in the participants, the system goes with only €400 per person. So we might want to ask, the typo belongs to the Guide or to the Form?

Good News vs. Bad News

Good NewsBad News
The partner profile do not require anymore to put in manually the projects undertaken over the last 3 years. The section compiles automatically once the OID is entered.Many of the questions we got used to do not exist anymore. For example, the question about partnership building, nor the one about the communication with partners. Such information must go somewhere, and we are up to decide it. Moreover, the box pertaining the description of participants with fewer opportunities disappeared.
The question about coherence between the project and the European priorities/Erasmus priorities is autonomous. this means that we are now able to give more space to the project idea and to define the objectives into the project’s description.The structure of the application form has changed. For example, below the activities’ description, there are 3 boxes asking for a definition of the project’s impact.
Within the activities’ flow it is possible to add a Facilitator (now separated from the Group Leader). Just one Facilitator per activity.Not clear if it is possible to organise a multi-activity project, with both a Youth Exchange and a Youth Workers Mobility project. Indeed, the new identification codes create a clear division.
The budget generally increased. There is an Organisational Support in the amount of €100 per participant, plus the Inclusion Support that amounts at €100 per participant with fewer opportunities. There is also the option of Green Travels.
During the application it is necessary to accept the Erasmus+ Youth Quality Standards, that represents a useful glossary for projects’ planning and design.

Stay tuned for more considerations to come.
In the meanwhile, read also:

A Glance Through The Erasmus+ Guide 2021

L'articolo Erasmus+ 2021 Forms: Let’s Have a Look proviene da Youth Networks.

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