Guides Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Tue, 16 Jun 2020 10:07:21 +0000 en hourly 1 Newest update on the CHANGES in the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide Mon, 02 Mar 2020 16:18:20 +0000 The two parts of the Corrigendum to the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide are: 1. Changes related to the status of the United Kingdom for the purpose of this Erasmus+ 2020 Call for Proposals The Withdrawal Agreement foresees that the UK will continue to participate in the current 2014-2020 EU programmes, including Erasmus+, as if the […]

L'articolo Newest update on the CHANGES in the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide proviene da Youth Networks.

The two parts of the Corrigendum to the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide are:

1. Changes related to the status of the United Kingdom for the purpose of this Erasmus+ 2020 Call for Proposals

The Withdrawal Agreement foresees that the UK will continue to participate in the current 2014-2020 EU programmes, including Erasmus+, as if the UK was an EU Member State until the closure of the programmes. This means that UK beneficiaries can continue to take part in grants awarded under the current MFF until their end date, even if it is after 2020.

And what will happen after 2020?

The possible participation of the UK in future programmes after 2020 will depend on the outcome of the overall negotiations on the future relationship between the two parties.

2. Changes related to the introduction of an additional priority for the field of adult education under KA2-Strategic Partnerships

An additional priority was listed and is as follows:

“Promoting Erasmus+ among all citizens and generations, including by offering activities of education and exchanges of experiences to seniors, with view to building and adding solidity to the European identity.”

For more details check under THIS link.

L'articolo Newest update on the CHANGES in the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide proviene da Youth Networks.

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What’s new in the 2020 annual work programme of Erasmus+? Wed, 26 Feb 2020 11:09:13 +0000 What changes can we find in the 2020 annual work programme of “Erasmus+”: the Union Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport? The pilot activity on European Universities will be reinforced. The selected projects will increase the performance, attractiveness, and competitiveness of higher education institutions on a European scale. Inclusion of a new action on […]

L'articolo What’s new in the 2020 annual work programme of Erasmus+? proviene da Youth Networks.

What changes can we find in the 2020 annual work programme of “Erasmus+”: the Union Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport?

  • The pilot activity on European Universities will be reinforced. The selected projects will increase the performance, attractiveness, and competitiveness of higher education institutions on a European scale.
  • Inclusion of a new action on Centres of Vocational Excellence aimed at establishing world-class reference points for both initial as well as continuing training in specific sectors.
  • Further efforts will be made to optimize, stabilize and improve the performance and user-friendliness of the IT tools supporting the implementation of the Programme.

We can also find other novelties concerning:

  • Grants awarded by exception to Calls for Proposals in KA2 and KA3,
  • Grants awarded by means of Specific Calls for Proposals in KA3,
  • Specific grants awarded under a Framework Partnership in KA3. 

The differences between the annuals 2019 and 2020 concerning KA2 and KA3 are presented below:

  What DID NOT CHANGE in the annual work programme from 2019 to 2020? What can you find NO MORE in the annual work programme 2020 compared with 2019? What is NEW in the annual work programme 2020?
Grants awarded by exception to Calls for Proposals  (KA2) Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth –Transnational Cooperation Activities eTwinning National Support Services and the Partner Support Agencies    
Resource Center for TCA (Transnational Cooperation Activities) governance
Grants awarded by means of Specific Calls for Proposals (KA3) European Youth Together   Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects European Policy Experimentation
Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training Performance of higher education institutions –U-Multirank Centers of Vocational Excellence
Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth   Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers
Specific grants awarded under a Framework Partnership (KA3) Civil Society Cooperation in the fields of Education and Training and of Youth -Framework Partnership Agreements European policy network in the field of key competences    
European policy network on teachers and school leaders
European policy network in the field of education of children and young people with a migrant background
Grants awarded by exception to Calls for Proposals (KA3) Support to better knowledge in youth policy National Coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning National Academic Recognition Centers (NARIC)  
Presidency events in the fields of education, training and youth: conferences, meetings of ministers and directors general (partially co delegated to DG EMPL) Initiative to support the implementation of European Higher Education Area (EHEA) reforms Bologna Secretariat
National units for the Eurydice network The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) -International Civic and Citizenship Education survey (ICCS) Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS)  
ECVET (European credit system for vocational education and training) National Teams Structured Dialogue: support to National Working Groups PIAAC
Eurodesk network
Eurodesk Brussels-link
SALTO Youth Resource Centres
Cooperation with international organisations (partially co delegated to DG EMPL)
European Youth Forum

To find more information about the work annuals check here: annual work programme 2020 and annual work programme 2019.

L'articolo What’s new in the 2020 annual work programme of Erasmus+? proviene da Youth Networks.

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