digital transformation Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:54:02 +0000 en hourly 1 Digital Transformation | A Series of Panels by SALTO Youth Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:54:02 +0000 S.A.L.T.O. Youth is running a series of panel sessions on Participatory and Inclusive Digital Transformation from September 2022 to March 2023, to bring together experts from the European youth field, policy making, research and private sector and discuss what digital transformation in this context means. Digital Transformation Digital transformation has become a big part of our […]

L'articolo Digital Transformation | A Series of Panels by SALTO Youth proviene da Youth Networks.

S.A.L.T.O. Youth is running a series of panel sessions on Participatory and Inclusive Digital Transformation from September 2022 to March 2023, to bring together experts from the European youth field, policy making, research and private sector and discuss what digital transformation in this context means.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become a big part of our lives. Panel sessions on Participatory and Inclusive Digital Transformation bring together experts from the European youth field, policy making, research and private sector to discuss what digital transformation in this context means, what kind of competencies are necessary to adapt, what are the opportunities and challenges, how to be a leader instead of a follower, how to connect with young people in this changing reality.

Panel Sessions

The series includes 6 panel sessions (1,5h per session):

  1. Understanding Digital Transformation, 27 September 2022, 13:00 CEST
  2. Digital Inclusion and Participation, 8 November 2022 13:00 CET
  3. Digital Sustainability, 29 November 2022 13:00 CET
  4. Accessibility and Infrastructure, 31 January 2023 13:00 CET
  5. Ethics & Digital rights, 07 March 2023 13:00 CET
  6. Emerging technologies and innovation, 28 March 2023, 13:00 CEST

All panels will be on Facebook live + YouTube live.

Next Panel Session on Digital Inclusion & Participation

For the next session “Digital Inclusion and Participation” on November 8, 4 experts in the field of inclusion and digital participation (Jasmin Rukolainen, Adina Serban, Thomas Schallhart and Panu Räsänen) will delve into the latest academic research on the topic of how participatory and inclusive digital transformation can be achieved. They will touch on topics like accessibility, creating safer spaces and gaming and VR as tools for youth participation.

Digital inclusion is about people, particularly those that are disadvantaged and underrepresented, having access to, as well as the skills to use, online tools.

Alongside inclusion, digital participation is vital, giving people the knowledge, technology and online spaces to fully participate in the digital world, whether that be education, civic life or democracy.

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Digital Transformation for Youth Organisations Fri, 29 Oct 2021 13:36:01 +0000 The Hellenic National Agency is running an online training course from 29th November to 7th December 2021 for youth organisations on digital transformation and the improvement of their online footprint. Thanks to the training, the stakeholders will learn more about digital tools and good practices on how to have a more successful online presence. Training […]

L'articolo Digital Transformation for Youth Organisations proviene da Youth Networks.

The Hellenic National Agency is running an online training course from 29th November to 7th December 2021 for youth organisations on digital transformation and the improvement of their online footprint. Thanks to the training, the stakeholders will learn more about digital tools and good practices on how to have a more successful online presence.

Training for Youth Organisations on Digital Transformation

The Training Course “Digital transformation for youth organisations’ intends to introduce youth organisations to the digital age and to train them to acquire their own digital footprint, which will have multiplier benefits in the impact of the Programme.

The main objectives of the training course are:

  • Empowering youth organisations and their representatives (who have basic or limited technological training) to be digital;
  • Enabling the autonomy of Youth organisations while saving resources, as they will not have to outsource technical tasks and outputs to external experts;
  • Facilitating access of youth organisations in rural areas to decentralized technical and technological education services;
  • Establishing a cooperation network and exchange of good practices;
  • Strengthening the pillars of empowerment, engagement and connection of the new Youth policy of the EU;
  • Contributing to the digital action plan of the EU commission, via a thorough and affordable training program.

Eligibility Criteria

The ideal stakeholders of the training on digital transformation are:

  • youth organisations’ leaders and representatives;
  • youth workers;
  • Trainers, Educators and learning facilitators;
  • Young people interested in new technologies who have the possibility of disseminating their knowledge to a range of target audiences;
  • EU youth institutions.

How To Apply

The training course is open up to 30 participants from Erasmus Plus programme countries and Partner Countries.

The working language is English. No participation fee is applicable.

To register, apply through S.A.L.T.O. Youth.

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KA2 Cooperation Partnership: Training Course

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Network of National Advisory Services on digital education and training Mon, 04 Oct 2021 15:23:58 +0000 With the digital transformation being one of the main priorities of the Erasmus Plus programme, the European Commission is giving a call to youth organisations across Europe to launch a network of National Advisory Services on digital education and training. Indeed the Erasmus Plus’ horizontal priority aims to address digital transformation through the development of digital […]

L'articolo Network of National Advisory Services on digital education and training proviene da Youth Networks.

With the digital transformation being one of the main priorities of the Erasmus Plus programme, the European Commission is giving a call to youth organisations across Europe to launch a network of National Advisory Services on digital education and training.

Indeed the Erasmus Plus’ horizontal priority aims to address digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity in the educational sector.

The network for digital education and training also serves the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 whose aim is to support the adaptation of the European education systems to the digital age.

National Advisory Service for Digital Transformation

A National Advisory Service (NAS) is an organisation responsible for coordinating or advising on the implementation of digital education policy.

They carry out, monitor, evaluate and fund digital education activities. They also support education and training organisations in their digital transformation and help regional and local governments in the implementation of related policies.

Network of NAS on digital education and training

The Commission is organising a first exploratory meeting with European organisations interested in participating in a network of National Advisory Services responsible for coordinating or advising on the implementation of digital education policies.

The first exploratory meeting will take place on October 28 202114:00-16:15 (CEST). It will initiate a conversation at the EU level on the implementation of digital education policies.

If your organisation is willing to participate, fill out the form for application.

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Open Call for Content Creators on Digital Transformation Mon, 20 Sep 2021 13:50:43 +0000 S.A.L.T.O. Youth Participation has opened a call for content creators on Digital Transformation topics for the Participation Resource Pool. The Participation Resource Pool is an online portal where trainers, youth workers, youth leaders and educators can have access to the best and most up-to-date online tools to foster young people’s critical thinking and media literacy. The overall […]

L'articolo Open Call for Content Creators on Digital Transformation proviene da Youth Networks.

S.A.L.T.O. Youth Participation has opened a call for content creators on Digital Transformation topics for the Participation Resource Pool.

The Participation Resource Pool is an online portal where trainers, youth workers, youth leaders and educators can have access to the best and most up-to-date online tools to foster young people’s critical thinking and media literacy. The overall purpose of which is to increase the quality of youth participation.

It focuses on 4 main topics:

  • Youth Participation;
  • Promotion and Outreach;
  • Media, Information and Critical Thinking;
  • Digital Transformation.

Open Call for Content Creators

S.A.L.T.O. is looking for Authors to create content and do peer-reviewing for the Participation Resource Pool. The call is specifically for 5 experts to work with in 2021.

The remuneration is €160 per curator per written article and one reviewed article.

The content creators will receive two different assignments:

  1. Writing an informative article for a target audience, meeting the guidelines‘ requirements; each expert is expected to write about 1 topic – the amount of articles in each topic varies;
  2. Peer-review (helping to edit and improve as many articles as they create).

Selection Criteria

The requirements to apply for this job position are:

  • Have at least 5 years of experience and good expertise on at least two of the topics related to digital transformation (Multistakeholderism & Participation, Education, Emerging Technologies, Sustainability, Digital Rights);
  • Experience with youth work and/or EU Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps);
  • High level of written English;
  • Excellent skills in analysing and synthesising content;
  • Great skills in storytelling, being able to share expertise in the popular-science format;
  • Independent working style, responsible and cooperative approach.

How To Apply

Please send the following documents to by 21 September 2021 14:00 CET with “Author on Digital Transformation” in the headline:

  1. CV
  2. Some examples of published content creation (articles, videos, etc) in English
  3. Short application letter indicating the topic(s) you would like to contribute in and why. Please indicate which would be your first choice.

See the original offer.

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L'articolo Open Call for Content Creators on Digital Transformation proviene da Youth Networks.

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NextGenerationEU: a Plan to Restart Mon, 26 Jul 2021 09:19:03 +0000 The NextGenerationEU is a plan of recovery that involves the EU states under the supervision of the European Union, to rebuild after the damages of the Covid pandemic, that affected the EU citizens and countries. It is a plan of re-generation and recovery, that touches many fields of action: from the economy to education, from […]

L'articolo NextGenerationEU: a Plan to Restart proviene da Youth Networks.

The NextGenerationEU is a plan of recovery that involves the EU states under the supervision of the European Union, to rebuild after the damages of the Covid pandemic, that affected the EU citizens and countries.

It is a plan of re-generation and recovery, that touches many fields of action: from the economy to education, from technology to ecology and care for the environment. It shows therefore an overall commitment to overcome the Covid pandemic and to further develop certain priorities that make the European Union stand out into the world.

The NextGenerationEU shows indeed the effort to emerge stronger from the pandemic, transform economies and societies, and design an Europe that works for everyone.

Budget and Priorities of NextGenerationEU

The European Unione agreed on a total budget of €750 billions to fund the NextGenerationEU recovery plan. The main objectives of the plan are:

  • a greener Europe;
  • an healthier Europe;
  • a more digital Europe.

The budget that the European Union set out goes to projects with the aim of improving and implementing such objectives.

Make It Green

Europe is on track to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. With NextGenerationEU, the EU will invest in environmentally-friendly technologies, roll out greener vehicles and public transport, and make our buildings and public spaces more energy efficient.

The chance is there to take: everyone can play a role in making a greener Europe, by taking public transport or biking, by eating more vegetables and less meat, by buying second hand, recycling and reusing.

A Digital Europe

In the next 10 years, the EU will transition to a digital decade.

The initiatives to address on the field are:

  • connect everywhere with 5G and EU-wide ultra-fast broadband;
  • a digital identity (eID), making it easier to access online public services;
  • artificial intelligence, to fight climate change and improve healthcare, transport and education;
  • green and efficient cities and towns;
  • security on online shopping.

The EU is funding online training courses so that everyone, young or old, can improve their digital skills. We’re helping small and medium-sized businesses go online. And we’re making e-education more accessible.

The Health System

Due to the Covid pandemic, we have learned how weak and inefficient our healthcare system can turn out when facing global crises. For this reason, the NextGenerationEU plan will:

  • work with all EU countries to protect against health threats;
  • invest more in research and innovation to develop vaccines and treatments;
  • modernise our health systems;
  • fund training for Europe’s medical and healthcare professionals.

Over those three priorities, the NextGenerationEU plan aims at funding initiatives to:

  • encourage young people to study science and technology;
  • support education and apprenticeships;
  • offer loans and grants to young entrepreneurs;
  • guarantee equal rights and opportunities, fighting racism, xenophobia, homophobia;
  • promote gender equality and strengthen women’s empowerment.

You’ll soon be able to find here more information about NextGenerationEU projects in your area.

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