solidarity alliance Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:59:15 +0000 en hourly 1 Guidebook: Living Solidarity Alliance In Practice Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:59:15 +0000 The Guidebook “Living Solidarity Alliance in Practice” is one of the project results of Living Solidarity Alliance – a project financed by the EU Erasmus+ Programme under the framework of Strategic Partnership. The Project: Living Solidarity Alliance The general aim is to increase the ability to work more effectively, with a focus on solidarity, with […]

L'articolo Guidebook: Living Solidarity Alliance In Practice proviene da Youth Networks.

The Guidebook “Living Solidarity Alliance in Practice” is one of the project results of Living Solidarity Alliance – a project financed by the EU Erasmus+ Programme under the framework of Strategic Partnership.

The Project: Living Solidarity Alliance

The general aim is to increase the ability to work more effectively, with a focus on solidarity, with young people, and to find new inspiration on how solidarity can be more present in our society.

solidarity alliance practice

Referring to the recent developments on the youth policy level in Europe and the challenging situation of young people in Europe (Covid19, unemployment, rising of populism, climate crisis), the partners of the project want to contribute as NGOs to the development of a strategic and systematic support structure to empower young people to participate in activities with a solidarity focus.

The Guidebook

The Guidebook “Living Solidarity Alliance In Practice” sets out methods for inclusion, participation and community building.

“How can solidarity become more present in our activities? What can we do to develop a sense of solidarity in our communities through youth work? This manual practically implements the methods and approaches that we have developed or adapted while searching for a deeper understanding of these questions. We have collected expert knowledge of already existing methodologies and created new ways (often in cooperation with other local organisations) to share the methods bringing more solidarity into our everyday activities. Some of the essential values in life are human bonds and continuously learning about ourselves and the world around us. Through various methods, including shorter and longer interactive experiences, we encourage reflection on universal values and the role of different aspects of solidarity in our life.”

The 3 dimensions of solidarity – inclusion, participation and community building – may serve as orientation points for you and your organisation to find the methods that best respond to your needs at the moment.

solidarity alliance practice

The methods are presented similarly with some key points: the connection with solidarity; the aim and target group; step by step how it works and how the methodological work needs to be applied; materials and tools required; experience of participants or possible options.


Living Solidarity Alliance Website
Facebook page

Partners of the project:
Associazione di promozione sociale Joint
Arte Ego

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L'articolo Guidebook: Living Solidarity Alliance In Practice proviene da Youth Networks.

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