eu youth strategy Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:54:45 +0000 en hourly 1 How was the EYY 2022? | Watch the video summary Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:54:45 +0000 Introduction If you participated or are interested in finding out how the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY) went, read on! The video summary of the experience is finally available, discover how it went and the experiences of the event participants in the new video available online! What is the European Year of Youth 2022 […]

L'articolo How was the EYY 2022? | Watch the video summary proviene da Youth Networks.


If you participated or are interested in finding out how the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY) went, read on!

The video summary of the experience is finally available, discover how it went and the experiences of the event participants in the new video available online!

What is the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY)?

The European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY) is an initiative that focus on the importance of European youth in building a better future:

  • greener
  • more inclusive
  • more digital.

The European Year of Young People is the perfect time to move forward with confidence and hope in a post-pandemic perspective.

Participants had plenty of opportunities to train, share their vision, meet people and participate in activities across Europe.

The Event

The EYY was a year for young people to speak out and make their voices heard.

More than 13.000 activities took place all over Europe and beyond.

Different engaging initiatives, such as the Youth Talks, the Policy Dialogues with Commissioners and the “Voice your Vision platform“, were put in motion.

The Video Resume

A video summary of the experience is now available online and is free to watch and download.

The video has a duration of two minutes and explains what took place during the event, the activities that were organised and the various experiences of the participants.

The video is available for viewing free online and has subtitles in the languages of all European countries.

How to View the Video

To watch the video you can connect to the official website of the event and watch it directly streaming.

It is also available for download with various subtitles through the web portal.

you can find more information about the event on the official website.


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L'articolo How was the EYY 2022? | Watch the video summary proviene da Youth Networks.

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EU Youth Strategy | Empowerment of Young People Fri, 17 Feb 2023 18:01:04 +0000 The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for European cooperation in the youth field for 2019-2027. The Strategy promises to help more young people get the opportunities they need to succeed in life and reach out to a wider range of young people. It also aims to help young people overcome social barriers, as youth […]

L'articolo EU Youth Strategy | Empowerment of Young People proviene da Youth Networks.

The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for European cooperation in the youth field for 2019-2027.

The Strategy promises to help more young people get the opportunities they need to succeed in life and reach out to a wider range of young people. It also aims to help young people overcome social barriers, as youth poverty.

The EYS aims to improve the situation of young people in Europe by creating more equal opportunities.

Three core areas have been developed for the EYS, they can be summarized in three words:

  • Engage,
  • Connect, and
  • Empower.

What is the EU Youth Strategy Platform?

The EU Youth Strategy Platform helps young people in Europe to have a better future.

A long time ago, the EU said young people should have a better future than their parents did. Therefore, the EU Youth Strategy tries to bring together all of the different people who want to help young generations in order to make good things happen for them.

Lots of countries in Europe have a strategy to improve the lives of young people. The EU Youth Strategy Platform helps the countries decide which programs to undertake.

The platform also aims to build a basis for a regular civic dialogue, to give stakeholders a greater role in coordinating the implementation of the strategy and to offer opportunities to exchange information on activities and results.

Discover the free e-learning to have a better understanding of the EU Youth Strategy

Associazione Joint has developed an online platform to gather information, media and more about the EU Youth Strategy. This was done to promote access and spread information among the youngsters.

Moreover, a completely free e-learning tool is available within the platform to go through all the aspects of the program and gain a better understanding of itself.

Access the e-learning platform.

Download the handbooks about Erasmus+ projects and youth goal methodologies.

Associazione Joint also developed two useful free-to-download handbooks.

A collection of exemplary Erasmus plus and ESC projects


L'articolo EU Youth Strategy | Empowerment of Young People proviene da Youth Networks.

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EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021) Report Fri, 15 Oct 2021 13:33:50 +0000 The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for EU Youth Policy cooperation on the period 2019-2027. The EU cooperation should: foster youth participation in democratic life; support social and civic engagement; ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to take part in society. Now that it’s been three years since the EU Youth […]

L'articolo EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021) Report proviene da Youth Networks.

The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for EU Youth Policy cooperation on the period 2019-2027. The EU cooperation should:

  • foster youth participation in democratic life;
  • support social and civic engagement;
  • ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to take part in society.

Now that it’s been three years since the EU Youth Strategy’s implementation started, the European Commission has published a report on the state-of-the-art, referring to that 3-years period.

EU Youth Strategy

The EU Youth Strategy focuses on 3 core areas of action, around the three words:




With “Engage” the EU Youth Strategy aims towards a meaningful civic, economic, social, cultural and political participation of young people. Connections, relations and exchange of experience are a pivotal asset for solidarity and the future development of the European Union. This connection is best fostered through different forms of mobility. Empowerment of young people means encouraging them to take charge of their own lives.

The implementation of the EU Youth Strategy is meant to go across-sectors, and this is way in 2017-2018 they developed 11 European Youth Goals. These goals identify cross-sectoral areas that affect young people’s lives and point out challenges.

EU Youth Strategy Report

What comes out from the first report? Has the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy moved forward?

The Commission has just adopted the report which assesses the EU Youth Strategy’s first three years of implementation.

As shown in the EU Youth Report, the COVID-19 pandemic hit young people heavily. In response, the EU has significantly reinforced its support and encouragement measures dedicated to young people. Ongoing policy initiatives such as the European Education Area, the updated European Digital Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda and the Youth Employment Support package are all dedicated to boosting opportunities for young people and ensure their personal, social and professional fulfilment. The Commission is also increasing its efforts in involving youth in key European initiatives.

To facilitate the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy and the Youth Goals, the year 2022 was announced to be the European Year of Youth and the main highlights of the EU Youth report will feed into the Year.

Read the full EU Youth Strategy Report.

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L'articolo EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021) Report proviene da Youth Networks.

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YouthWIKI: Europe Encyclopedia of National Youth Policies Thu, 26 Aug 2021 07:37:20 +0000 Available on the official website of the European Commission, the YouthWIKI is an online platform presenting information on European countries’ youth policies. The main objective of the YouthWIKI is to support European cooperation in the field of Youth. It does so by providing information on national policies in support of young people. The platform is […]

L'articolo YouthWIKI: Europe Encyclopedia of National Youth Policies proviene da Youth Networks.

Available on the official website of the European Commission, the YouthWIKI is an online platform presenting information on European countries’ youth policies.

The main objective of the YouthWIKI is to support European cooperation in the field of Youth. It does so by providing information on national policies in support of young people. The platform is user-friendly and continuously updated.

The overall purpose of the platform is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, by providing information on reforms and initiatives. It allows the exchange of information and innovative approaches and can substantiate peer learning activities.

YouthWIKI: National Youth Policies

There are 32 countries currently participating in giving their contribution to the platform’s contents.

The themes and topics that YouthWIKI addresses are:

  • Youth Policy Governance;
  • Voluntary Activities;
  • Employment and Entrepreneurship;
  • Social Inclusion;
  • Participation;
  • Education and Training;
  • Health and Well-Being;
  • Creativity and Culture;
  • Youth and the World;
  • Youth Work.

The project goes under the EU Youth Strategy and aims at building cooperation among EU Member States participating in the Erasmus Plus programme, to collaborate in the development of their youth policies with the support of the European Commission.

YouthWIKI: Contents

The main source of information are official documents originating from national top-level authorities in the youth field. On the platform you can also find studies, surveys, analyses or assessments/evaluations by public authorities or research centers, experts, think-tanks.

The content of the Youth Wiki is shaped by the policy priorities established by the European Commission and the Member States in the framework of the European cooperation in the youth field.

There is an interactive map that illustrates the main policies and programmes for young people across Europe.

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L'articolo YouthWIKI: Europe Encyclopedia of National Youth Policies proviene da Youth Networks.

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Call for Contributions: EU Youth Report 2021 Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:00:00 +0000 Every two years the European Commission publishes the EU Youth Report, a document freely available to anyone that may need it, which provides a comprehensive overview of young European people’s situation. It includes also an assessment of the EU Youth Strategy’s implementation. The last EU Youth reports are also available for consultation. EU Youth Report […]

L'articolo Call for Contributions: EU Youth Report 2021 proviene da Youth Networks.

Every two years the European Commission publishes the EU Youth Report, a document freely available to anyone that may need it, which provides a comprehensive overview of young European people’s situation. It includes also an assessment of the EU Youth Strategy’s implementation.

The last EU Youth reports are also available for consultation.

EU Youth Report 2021

The report usually includes:

  • a joint Council-Commission report (political part);
  • supporting documents (statistical and analytical part).

The EU Youth Report evaluates the progress with respect to the overall objectives of the framework. It shows the progress regarding the European priorities for the most recent work cycle and identifies good practices. This last part presents data and information on the current situation of young people in Europe. The benchmark refers to the EU Youth Indicators dashboard.

The 2021 EU Youth Report aims at to highlighting the initiatives and actions the EU Member States ,young people, and youth organisations took, to implement the EU Youth Strategy since 2019. It also informs the next three-year Work Plan for the EU
Youth Strategy.

In addition to last years, the 2021 Report will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of young people in the EU too.

Why It Matters

The EU Youth Reports has got a wide broadcast. It is a point of reference for EU Officials and other institutional stakeholders over Europe. It represents also a valuable resource for policy makers.

This can be, in fact, the starting point from which start building new practices and policies for young people. As it provides insights into the current situation of young people, plus an overview of the policies and initiatives affecting them, it allows to look at what has been done so far and better plan the future actions and policies that would further benefit young people and youth organisations.

For Your Organisation

But what’s the impact of the report on your organisation?

The EU Youth Report is a good opportunity to showcase the work that your organisation has been doing on
local, national and European level, and that can contribute to reaching the objectives set in the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. In fact by implementing projects and activities, youth organisations contribute to advancing youth rights, and supporting public authorities in implementing youth policy measures. They should therefore be considered as crucial partners.

As the Report will highlight initiatives and actions carried out by youth organisations, it can contribute to the recognition of the
role youth organisations play in bringing European cooperation in the youth field forward.

How To Contribute

The European Commission is looking for good practices and examples around the three main priorities of the past EU Youth Strategy:

  • Engage
  • Connect
  • Empower

To facilitate the process, EU Youth Forum has created an online board for submission.

The deadline for contributions is May 3rd 2021.

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L'articolo Call for Contributions: EU Youth Report 2021 proviene da Youth Networks.

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