covid-19 Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Fri, 22 Oct 2021 10:10:28 +0000 en hourly 1 Covid-19 Effects on European Youth: Employment and NEETs Fri, 22 Oct 2021 10:10:28 +0000 The committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), part of the European Parliament, has just published a fresh new study on the state-of-the-art of the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects toward European youth, taking into consideration the employment status and the NEETs phenomenon. Covid-19 Effects on Youth Employment The study is an analysis of the impact of […]

L'articolo Covid-19 Effects on European Youth: Employment and NEETs proviene da Youth Networks.

The committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), part of the European Parliament, has just published a fresh new study on the state-of-the-art of the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects toward European youth, taking into consideration the employment status and the NEETs phenomenon.

Covid-19 Effects on Youth Employment

The study is an analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on young people, providing up-to-date information on their economic and social situation, with a focus on employment.

covid effects on youth

Young people have particularly felt the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of employment, education, training and mental well-being.

The vulnerability of young people comes either from:

  • temporary contracts of employment, or
  • working in the most affected sectors, such as retail, hospitality and tourism.

Moreover, the effects of Covid-19 were not limited to employment and in spreading the NEET phenomenon, as they hit also the school and education sectors, because of closures and restrictions over training opportunities.

The study analyses the effects of COVID-19 on youth unemployment, inactivity, social exclusion, work-based learning and mental health, plus NEETs generation. The analysis goes on the basis of quantitative indicators and qualitative information from policy documents. It discusses the probability of longer-term “scarring effects” comparing the impact of the current crisis to impacts observed during and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2008/2009.

Key Results

Youth employment and unemployment rates developed in waves reflecting lockdown and containment periods. Although rates recovered since the first quarter of 2021, the EU youth employment rate was still lower and the EU unemployment rate still higher than before the onset of the crisis.

See the full report.

Read also

How To Tackle Covid-19 Effects On Young Migrants’ Education

Study on Youth Work in the EU

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Study on Youth Work in the EU Mon, 13 Sep 2021 10:18:54 +0000 A new study has been published by the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission) in the field of social policy regarding youth work in the EU. This study constitutes the second European-wide comparison on youth work published by the European Commission. The first European Commission study on youth work, published in 2014, […]

L'articolo Study on Youth Work in the EU proviene da Youth Networks.

A new study has been published by the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission) in the field of social policy regarding youth work in the EU.

This study constitutes the second European-wide comparison on youth work published by the European Commission.

The first European Commission study on youth work, published in 2014, was an exploratory investigation of youth work at European level, seeking to identify commonalities and to map the state of youth work policies across the EU.

Youth Work in the EU

The 2021 publication focuses on the needs of youth workers at the grassroots level to critically analyze whether existing public policies fulfill these needs. This is a timely report as the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the youth work sector. It has forced youth workers to rethink how they provide their services, and placed many in a precarious position, particularly at the local level and for youth workers who support the most vulnerable young people.

The study investigates the nowadays situation of youth workers across Europe, and to what extent the public institutions understood their needs. It then analyses in a comparative way how youth work developed in the EU member states.

Youth Work and Covid-19 pandemic

The study points out the differences between a pre-Covid and post-Covid situation, focusing on the needs of Youth Workers according to the period, in terms of:

  • Funding;
  • Recognition;
  • Digital Work;
  • Quality;
  • Innovation;
  • Social Inclusion.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, youth workers saw needs arise, as for example a greater financial support, to build new relationships with other stakeholders, a lack of digital infrastructures, access and training, plus a need of maintaining social inclusion.

The role of institutions is an important topic of the research too. The study analyses the policy gaps for youth workers in the EU during the Covid, and points out the means of interventions.


The study is a useful starting point to understand the state-of-the-art of youth work in the EU, especially with a focus on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. On this perspective, DO-IT (Digital Competence to Teach Youth with Migrant Background), is a new approved Erasmus Plus project that aims at tackling the issues arose due to Covid in the education and learning field for teachers and trainers dealing with young people with a migrant background.

Read also

KA2 Cooperation Partnership: Training Course


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How to Deal with Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects Mon, 27 Jul 2020 11:55:39 +0000 Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects – the guidelines of the European Commission In these challenging times for the associations that work in the field of international mobility, a big effort is given to deal with what concerns Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects regulations. Therefore, the European Commission defined how to implement the approved projects adapting to the […]

L'articolo How to Deal with Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects proviene da Youth Networks.

Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects – the guidelines of the European Commission

In these challenging times for the associations that work in the field of international mobility, a big effort is given to deal with what concerns Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects regulations. Therefore, the European Commission defined how to implement the approved projects adapting to the exceptional situation due to Covid-19.

In the note of June the 12th, addressed to all national agencies, the European Commission – Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture shared new guidelines on how to implement virtual and mixed mobility in the projects approved under Erasmus+ Youth in Action in the years 2017-2018-2019 and 2020. For instance, you will find how to manage organisational support, special needs and exceptional costs.

To have more details you can consult the following special addendum to the already existing Erasmus+ Programme Guide
Addendum Covid19_KA1

This way, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the directorate found solutions to deal with Covid-19 and Erasmus+ Projects. Most importantly, there is the possibility to request a change in the start and end date of the project period. Moreover, beneficiaries can carry out all or part of the activities in virtual or mixed mode.

Related Articles:
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange – Live your intercultural learning experience from home!
Q&A concerning Erasmus+ and ESC activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

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“Re-open EU” for safe travel Wed, 01 Jul 2020 09:07:58 +0000 The European Commission has launched a new tool for safe travel in the Member States: Re-open EU Re-open-EU is the new initiative of the European Commission to be able to respond to doubts regarding safe travel in member countries in this delicate moment. Specifically, it is a web platform to promote a safe recovery of […]

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The European Commission has launched a new tool for safe travel
in the Member States: Re-open EU

Re-open-EU is the new initiative of the European Commission to be able to respond to doubts regarding safe travel in member countries in this delicate moment.

Specifically, it is a web platform to promote a safe recovery of travel and tourism in all European countries.

This initiative was born from the need to protect the public health of citizens and also the possibility of being able to go on vacation, travel, get closer to family and friends with a safe reopening of European borders.

So it is an interactive tool available to everyone to consult and check the current situation of the country concerned by moving in safety and serenity.

Platform structure

The platform is presented as an interactive map available in the 24 official languages of the EU.

By opening the web page, you will find a section where you can choose the concerned country. Once selected, the map of the place will open with the topics of interest:
– Information
– Travel
– Services
– Health & Safety

By clicking on each option you will get information about the situation on the borders, public transport, the tourist services available, and above all the health and safety measures implemented in the country.

In this way, it will be possible to plan a trip taking into account the various factors.

So here is an action by the Commission which, thanks to this website or the app version, gives access to the updated information in order to monitor the current situation in each country and travel safely in this summer season.

Check HERE for more information.

L'articolo “Re-open EU” for safe travel proviene da Youth Networks.

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How are the youth organisations doing during the Coronavirus pandemic? Take part in the survey Mon, 08 Jun 2020 09:18:58 +0000 The pandemic of the Coronavirus changed the daily life of most youth organisations and initiatives. Many activities had to be changed, postponed, or canceled. Many new, unusual measures are being used and experimented in order to keep the youth activities ongoing.  This is why the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) launched a survey to better […]

L'articolo How are the youth organisations doing during the Coronavirus pandemic? Take part in the survey proviene da Youth Networks.

The pandemic of the Coronavirus changed the daily life of most youth organisations and initiatives. Many activities had to be changed, postponed, or canceled. Many new, unusual measures are being used and experimented in order to keep the youth activities ongoing. 

This is why the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) launched a survey to better understand the realities with which the youth organizations have to deal with during this time. 

The Joint Council on Youth is interested in hearing from people working or volunteering in youth organisations, initiatives, and networks across Europe on the effects of the current COVID-19 across youth work and youth activities.

Your answers will help to better understand the situation across the Council of Europe’s member states in order to provide appropriate support to youth organisations and constructive guidance to government bodies working on youth-related issues, on behalf of the Youth Department.

All information is confidential and will not be published other than in an aggregated and anonymised form.

Contribute and help us understand what you are going through by filling the QUESTIONNAIRE.

The questionnaires can be submitted until the 1st of August 11:59 CET.

Related articles:
Sign the petition! – A response to the impact of Covid-19 on International Youth Work Mobility

L'articolo How are the youth organisations doing during the Coronavirus pandemic? Take part in the survey proviene da Youth Networks.

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Q&A concerning Erasmus+ and ESC activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic Wed, 08 Apr 2020 09:15:39 +0000 The current situation doesn’t make it easy on the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants and organizations. There are so many changes in the ongoing and planned activities and it is difficult to keep track of the changes in the safety regulations in each country. One of the main objectives of the European Commission is […]

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The current situation doesn’t make it easy on the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants and organizations. There are so many changes in the ongoing and planned activities and it is difficult to keep track of the changes in the safety regulations in each country.

One of the main objectives of the European Commission is the safety and protection of all Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants. At the same time, they are fully respecting all the containment measures taken at the national level.

Therefore the European Commission published a Q&A concerning Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. On this website, you can see the frequently asked questions raised by participants and organizations. The Commission will adapt the answers to current situations. Find the Q&A HERE.

Check related article: Official guidelines about Coronavirus for Erasmus+ National Agencies.

L'articolo Q&A concerning Erasmus+ and ESC activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic proviene da Youth Networks.

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Coronavirus emergency seen through a doctor’s eyes Thu, 19 Mar 2020 08:43:05 +0000 On the 9th of March, the Italian Prime Minister announced that the whole territory of Italy is under quarantine. All public events, civil and religious ceremonies are canceled. Schools, universities, churches, theaters, museums, and places of public gatherings will remain closed until the 3rd of April. Citizens have been highly recommended not to leave their […]

L'articolo Coronavirus emergency seen through a doctor’s eyes proviene da Youth Networks.

On the 9th of March, the Italian Prime Minister announced that the whole territory of Italy is under quarantine. All public events, civil and religious ceremonies are canceled. Schools, universities, churches, theaters, museums, and places of public gatherings will remain closed until the 3rd of April. Citizens have been highly recommended not to leave their homes (except under exceptional circumstances).

These policies are designed to ensure everyone’s safety and prevent further spread of the virus.

Still, we can hear many voices of dissatisfaction and protest against these restrictions.

How does it look from the point of view of the people who are directly dealing with this emergency?

A dramatic testimony of a doctor at the Humanitas Gavazzeni Clinics in Bergamo was posted on social media. In his post written on Facebook, we can catch some insight into the reality of doctors and the nursery staff who are spending their whole time in the emergency room trying to help the infected patients. 

Here are some of his quotes (translated from Italian):

Corona Virus is a challenge for the medical world, and there is no medicine that could directly eliminate the virus.

“ [infected patients] don’t breathe enough, they need oxygen. Drug therapies for this virus are few. The course mainly depends on our organism. We can only support it when the organism can’t take it anymore. It is mainly hoped that our body will eradicate the virus on its own, let’s face it. Antiviral therapies are experimental on this virus and we learn its behavior only day by day. Staying at home until the symptoms worsen does not change the prognosis of the disease.”

The number of infections grows very fast.

“One after the other, the departments that had been emptied are filling up at an impressive rate. The display boards with the names of the patients, in different colors depending on the operating unit they belong to, are now all red and instead of displaying the surgical operation they show the diagnosis, which is always the same bloody one: bilateral interstitial pneumonia.”

The symptoms of the virus can be very serious, not only for elderly people.

“Covid19 causes a banal influence in many young people, but in many elderly people (and not only) a real SARS (…). The resulting respiratory failure is often serious. It means that after a few days of hospitalization, the simple administration of oxygen may not be enough.”

“Sorry, but as a doctor, it doesn’t calm me down that the majority of serious cases are mainly elderly people with other pathologies. The elderly population is the most represented in our country. It is difficult to find someone who, above 65 years of age, does not take at least medication for pressure or diabetes. I also assure you that when you see young people who end up intubated in intensive care,  (…) all this peace of mind for your young age does not last long. And while there are still people on social networks who pride themselves on not being afraid by ignoring the indications, protesting that their normal lifestyle habits are “temporarily” in crisis, the epidemiological disaster is taking place.”

“The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing.”

Hospitals were prepared for the outbreak of the epidemic, doctors and nurses work in solidarity supporting each other despite exhaustion.

“I found it incredible, or at least I can speak for HUMANITAS Gavazzeni (where I work) how it was possible to put in place in such a short time a deployment and a reorganization of resources so finely designed to prepare for a disaster of this magnitude. And every reorganization of beds, wards, staff, work shifts and tasks is constantly reviewed day after day to try to give everything and even more.”

“The staff is exhausted.”

“I saw solidarity from all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask “what can I do for you now?””

Avoid close contact with people, stay at home if possible!

“[it is] almost 2 weeks that I voluntarily see neither my son nor my family members out of fear of infecting them, who, in turn, could infect an elderly grandmother or relatives with other health problems.”

“So be patient, you, who can’t go to the theater, museums or gym. Try to have mercy for that myriad of elderly people you could exterminate. It is not your fault, I know, but of those who convinced you that you are exaggerating. Even this testimony may seem just an exaggeration for those who are far from the epidemic! But please, listen to us, try to leave the house only under exceptional cases.”

“Oh yes, due to the shortage of certain safety devices, I and many other colleagues are certainly exposed despite all the means of protection we have. Some of us have already become infected despite following the protocols. Some infected colleagues have also infected relatives and some of their family members are already struggling between life and death.

We are at the point where your fears could make you stay away. Try to make sure you stay away. Tell your family members who are elderly or with other illnesses to stay indoors.” 

You can find the original post HERE (in Italian)

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Official guidelines about Coronavirus for Erasmus+ National Agencies Thu, 12 Mar 2020 16:22:35 +0000 With the Coronavirus emergency continuing, the European Commission has sent a new note to the Directors of the National Agencies regarding the implementation of the Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps. The note responds to the numerous questions received by the Commission from all the National Agencies in reference to two main points: […]

L'articolo Official guidelines about Coronavirus for Erasmus+ National Agencies proviene da Youth Networks.

With the Coronavirus emergency continuing, the European Commission has sent a new note to the Directors of the National Agencies regarding the implementation of the Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps.

The note responds to the numerous questions received by the Commission from all the National Agencies in reference to two main points:

  • Practical aspects related to the application of the force majeure clause
  • Possibility to extend the duration of the grant


The definition of force majeure situation is as follows:

Force majeure: any unforeseeable, exceptional situation or event beyond the control of the parties that prevents either of them from fulfilling any of their obligations under the Agreement, which is not attributable to error or negligence on their part or on the part of the subcontractors affiliated entities or third parties in receipt of financial support and which proves to be inevitable despite their exercising due diligence. The following cannot be invoked as force majeure: labor disputes, strikes, financial difficulties or any default of a service, defect in equipment or materials or delays in making them available, unless they stem directly from a relevant case of force majeure “.

It is up to the National Agencies to evaluate the situations in which the beneficiary is unable to fulfill their obligations under the agreement.

What about the costs incurred (including any additional costs)?

The National Agencies can accept additional costs of an extraordinary nature not foreseen in the initial project budget, where duly justified (for example, it was not possible to recover the cost under an insurance scheme, the event that generated the cost cannot be reprogrammed, etc.) and reported on the basis of real costs. To this end, beneficiaries will have to produce a signed declaration stating that costs cannot be recovered in other ways.

National Agencies will send detailed information to beneficiaries for reporting purposes.

Under no circumstances can an increase in the total funding be granted.


Where relevant, the National Agencies may decide to authorize beneficiaries to extend the duration of their projects to allow postponement of activities with up to 12 months per project.

In all Key Actions the maximum duration may not, in any case, exceed 36 months in total.

More details on the individual measures of the Program will be sent to the individual beneficiaries for reporting purposes.

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Coronavirus – How to manage mobility projects? The official position of Associazione Joint, from Italy: quarantine has to be compulsory Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:43:10 +0000 Associazione Joint has decided, given the current situation on Coronavirus, described at the bottom of this article, to take the following measures: 1. Block all mobilities abroad at least until the 15th of April 2. Cancel or postpone all international meetings until the end of May to dates from September onwards 3. Request to: – […]

L'articolo Coronavirus – How to manage mobility projects? The official position of Associazione Joint, from Italy: quarantine has to be compulsory proviene da Youth Networks.

Associazione Joint has decided, given the current situation on Coronavirus, described at the bottom of this article, to take the following measures:

1. Block all mobilities abroad at least until the 15th of April

2. Cancel or postpone all international meetings until the end of May to dates from September onwards

3. Request to:

– all volunteers coordinated by Joint in Italy who return to their countries;
– all Italian volunteers coming back from abroad in projects related with Joint; 
– all volunteers who want to go abroad during their mobility period; 

to implement all the necessary preventive measures, including a 2 weeks quarantine period in complete isolation.

4. Request to all our ESC partners willing to receive Italian volunteers to host them only in case they can guarantee 2 weeks quarantine in a complete isolation period.

Moreover, all our staff and volunteers in Italy are quarantined at home, in smart working when needed.

Short description of the current situation in Italy:

On March 9, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte stretched the quarantine zone across the entire country and announced the whole territory to be a “restricted area” in the “red zone”, making traveling to and out of Italy very complicated, and specified all exchange activities must stop. Then on the 11th of March, the Government also decided for the shutdown of all not-needed commercial and economic activities. There are also many restrictions concerning traveling between provinces, or even within cities, unless absolutely necessary, which significantly hinders the effective implementation of our projects.

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Corona Virus emergency: VADEMECUM for the management of Erasmus+ and ESC projects Thu, 05 Mar 2020 14:05:52 +0000 The Italian National Youth Agency released a Vademecum for the management of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects regarding the emergency COVID-19. The Vademecum is addressed to all coordinating organizations involved in projects approved by the Italian National Youth Agency and for other projects facing problems related to the Italian and international emergency from Coronavirus […]

L'articolo Corona Virus emergency: VADEMECUM for the management of Erasmus+ and ESC projects proviene da Youth Networks.

The Italian National Youth Agency released a Vademecum for the management of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects regarding the emergency COVID-19.

The Vademecum is addressed to all coordinating organizations involved in projects approved by the Italian National Youth Agency and for other projects facing problems related to the Italian and international emergency from Coronavirus 2019.

Hereby a summary/translation of the document  (HERE in Italian):

The document intends to provide practical instructions regarding the cases that the Agency has detected to date and which are inherent to the activities that take place in any country/area concerned, as well as to the mobility into/out of these countries/areas.

All the organizations involved are required to comply fully with the provisions issued by the competent authorities of the countries concerned. If it is not possible to continue regularly the activities underway or planned, if deemed necessary, request the National Agencies, upon indication of the European Commission, to accept requests for suspension, postponement, cancellation of activities based on circumstances strictly related to the impact of the Coronavirus epidemic.

The individual participants, who are located in any country/area affected by problems related to the Coronavirus 2019 emergency or are on the move in/out of these countries/areas, must contact the sending and/or receiving organizations/bodies to request information and get the support you need.

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