seminar Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Mon, 04 Apr 2022 07:51:33 +0000 en hourly 1 The European Training Calendar Mon, 04 Apr 2022 07:51:33 +0000 On SALTO Youth organisations active in the field of the Erasmus Plus programme and youth, can find a full source of information and training on the European Training Calendar. If you are looking for training within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme, European Solidarity Corps, training activities in the field of youth and non-formal education, […]

L'articolo The European Training Calendar proviene da Youth Networks.

On SALTO Youth organisations active in the field of the Erasmus Plus programme and youth, can find a full source of information and training on the European Training Calendar.

If you are looking for training within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme, European Solidarity Corps, training activities in the field of youth and non-formal education, and more, S.A.L.T.O. provides online courses for free.

The European Training Calendar

The main focus of the European Training Calendar are the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

All training activities in the Calendar are European or international, in the not-for-profit sector and directed to youth workers wishing:

  • to develop their competences to further work with and for young people,
  • to share experiences, and
  • to make contacts for common future projects.

Besides, the calendar also provides calls for projects in which youth workers will meet other target groups such as youth policy makers, adult learning organisers, among others, in order to learn from each other.

Upcoming Trainings

At the time of writing, there are 74 available online trainings on the European Training Calendar. Let’s have a look to some of them.

  1. Youth Work 2.0 – The aim of this training course is to equip youth workers with basic competences needed to facilitate the learning process of groups with the addition of gamification elements | 12-19 May | Application deadline: 7 April 
  2. GOT NEXT*: Youth workers next in line to make change (seminar) – During this seminar young change makers get the chance to slow down together in order to meet the urgent challenges of their youth work by looking at the personal, interpersonal and systemic level | 29 May – 3 June | Application deadline: 8 April

  3. BRIDGES TO SOLIDARITY– The training course is an opportunity for youth workers to reflect on their role in creating solidarity within the communities and will enable them to self assess and develop further their competences of process facilitation in strengthening communities | 8-14 May | Application deadline: 10 April

  4. Emotions in Motion – an embodied training course on emotional intelligence– Do you work with young people? Would you like to develop your emotional skills and learn new methods? Do you feel the need to spend some time in a safe space to reflect on your challenges, share your insights and learn from others’ practices? | 14-22 May | Application deadline: 10 April

  5. BODY Positive – Training course for educators and youth workers about facilitation of body positivity activities and creating a facilitation approach that is inclusive and body positive | 1-10 May | Application deadline: 11 April

  6. BE ENTERPRISING – fostering entrepreneurial attitude in youngsters– “Be Enterprising” is a 6 days long training course in Croatia focused on fostering entrepreneurial skills while working with young people | 24-29 April | Application deadline: 11 April 

Find other courses, trainings and seminars of your choice.

For specific questions about a training call, please write to the contact you find in the call itself.

Read also

Teaching Life Competences | Online Free Course

EUROTUREC: Training of Multipliers | 13-19th May 2022, Genoa (Italy)

L'articolo The European Training Calendar proviene da Youth Networks.

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International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” Wed, 09 Dec 2020 10:54:11 +0000 Civil Society Organisations and NGOs play a relevant role inside the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Despite acting differently, business associations, not-for-profit organisations, think-tanks, fab-labs, incubators and talent gardens have all a significant impact on the entrepreneurship environment. For this reason, the organisations involved in innovation, international cooperation and entrepreneurship are warmly invited to participate and give their […]

L'articolo International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” proviene da Youth Networks.

Civil Society Organisations and NGOs play a relevant role inside the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Despite acting differently, business associations, not-for-profit organisations, think-tanks, fab-labs, incubators and talent gardens have all a significant impact on the entrepreneurship environment. For this reason, the organisations involved in innovation, international cooperation and entrepreneurship are warmly invited to participate and give their contribution to the International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”.

The seminar represents an opportunity to meet other like-minded actors of the same field, to increase networking, and to exchange knowledge and good practices. Your contribution is an added value to a meeting that marks the conclusion of the EU-Turkish project “Speaking the Same Language”. The project, carried out by ANSIAD (Antalya Industrialists and Business People Association), Associazione di promozione sociale Joint and No Borders, is part of the European-Turkish cooperation among Civil Society Organisations and has been funded with EU funds. The aims of the project are:

  • strengthening entrepreneurship and establish formal cooperation among cross-sectorial stakeholders;
  • enabling the Exchange of knowledge and good practices among CSOs to support career development and entrepreneurial skills of young people;
  • enabling intercultural learning experience among Turkish and European stakeholders;
  • supporting personal and professional skills for young people to increase their employability.

The seminar sees the participation of 50 stakeholders from Europe and Turkey. The aim is to discuss how Civil Society Organisations from Turkey and Europe can cooperate more effectively in entrepreneurial activities, what challenges they may face while enabling new collaborations in this field and creating future partnerships and common projects.

The Seminar is held online on December 16-17th 2020 and the schedule is as follows:

1st day (December 16th 2020)

11-11.30 am: opening speeches and presentation of the project
Speaker: Akın Akay AKINCI, ANSIAD Chairman of The Board
11.30-11.50 am: the role of civil society in the entrepreneurial ecosystem – overview
– Assoc. Prof. Nuray ATSAN, Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
– Nikolaus MEYER-LANDRUT, Head of EU Delegation to Turkey: Why EU gives importance to civil society dialogue between EU-TR?
– Mr Sezai HAZIR, Habitat Association Founder & President: How does CSOs contribute to the entrepreneurship eco-system in Turkey?
– Mr Orhan TURAN, President of TURKONFED: “Importance of EU-Turkey Dialogue from the Perspective of Business World CSOs”
– Mr İsmail HAZNEDAR, 2015 President of JCI Global: Importance of CSOs’ Support to Youth Entrepreneurship
– Mr Tommaso PESCETTO COSENTINO, General Manager of Joint Association: Importance of International Collaboration & Networks in Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship.

11.50-12 am: break
12-1.30 pm: the role of civil society in entrepreneurship ecosystem
1.30-2 pm: break
2-3 pm: small groups workshops: developing suggestions by stakeholders from civil society and other sectors
3.30 pm: closure

2nd day (December 17th 2020)

11-12 am: networking event – part 1
12-12.15 pm: break
12.15-1.15 pm: networking event – part 2
1.15-1.45 pm: general evaluation
1.45 pm: closure

The entire seminar is in English with simultaneous translation when needed. To participate, it is necessary to fill out the form.

Read also:

Introduction Day of “Step Into Solidarity” – Online Conference

L'articolo International Seminar on “The role of Civil Society in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” proviene da Youth Networks.

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Explore HUMOR in non-formal education and youth projects via the manual FA-SILLY-TATORS Thu, 21 May 2020 07:53:58 +0000 People often don’t realize how important laughter is for health. People who laugh more often, relieve tension faster and deal with nervousness. Laughter stimulates life energy, adds a willingness to act, helps relieve anger, and cope with stress. Laughter stimulates the brain, thanks to which you remember and associate facts better. There is even a […]

L'articolo Explore HUMOR in non-formal education and youth projects via the manual FA-SILLY-TATORS proviene da Youth Networks.

People often don’t realize how important laughter is for health. People who laugh more often, relieve tension faster and deal with nervousness. Laughter stimulates life energy, adds a willingness to act, helps relieve anger, and cope with stress. Laughter stimulates the brain, thanks to which you remember and associate facts better. There is even a field of research of laughter, and its effects on the body, from a psychological and physiological perspective called Gelotology (from the Greek γέλως gelos “laughter”).

It seems to be an easy, fast, and fun way to improve the quality of life. 

And how to introduce and use good humor in non-formal education and youth work?

About the project “Fa-silly-tators”

In November 2019, 32 participants from 20 countries met in Vienna for a 7-day seminar – „Fa-silly-tators“ – organized by Service Civil International Österreich. By experiencing non-formal education methods the youth workers, trainers, facilitators, project coordinators, and educators reflected on the meaning of humor in their work. During this training, the participants learned and exchanged methods and best practices on how to use humor to empower youth with fewer opportunities and marginalized groups, how to do humor from a feminist/antiracist/queer/etc. lens, when to use humor, and how to deal with conflicts around it. 

Do you think you could improve your work with some good humor?:) You can find and download the manual HERE.

L'articolo Explore HUMOR in non-formal education and youth projects via the manual FA-SILLY-TATORS proviene da Youth Networks.

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Call for participants: political commitment among young Europeans Thu, 18 Apr 2019 13:14:55 +0000 Political participation and commitment among young people in Europe: this will be the main topics of the Symposium “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities”. It will take place between 18-20 September at the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, France, in the framework of the collaboration […]

L'articolo Call for participants: political commitment among young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

Political participation and commitment among young people in Europe: this will be the main topics of the Symposium “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities”. It will take place between 18-20 September at the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, France, in the framework of the collaboration between the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Around 120 young people coming from all over Europe will meet to discuss about political participation among youngsters. They will discuss the current trends in which youngsters are being involved in political life and analyze the tools to overcome the limit of democratic participation, in order to make it wider, more accessible and to make the people more aware of what happens around them.

The goal

The symposium aims at defining what politics mean to youngsters. The starting point is the nature of interaction between them and the political sphere: why some take an active part, and why some don’t? Why non-traditional ways of participation (not always positive, indeed) are being sometimes preferred? What can stakeholders and youth organisations do to make the young people feeling closer and more committed?

The event

The sessions will be designed in a participatory way. In the application form, participants will have the chance to indicate what issues or questions are most pressing for them in their work as it relates to the main theme of political participation. The answers will define the topics of the discussions. They may range from the level of engagement in political participation nowadays (characterised by economic tensions, crisis of democratic institutions, digitalisation, social media, fake news and other manipulations of the public opinion etc.) to the reasons that drive youngsters to commit to politics, from the european values to the role of civil society and citizen movements, and much more.

Further information, also about the requirements for the participants are provided at the following link. The deadline is 22 April 2019, 23.59 CET. People wishing to apply must fill the following application form. The result of the selection will be published on 15 May 2019.

L'articolo Call for participants: political commitment among young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

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