Policy Dialogue Archivi - Youth Networks https://youthnetworks.net/tag/policy-dialogue/ Policies, Grants, European calls and more Sun, 22 Oct 2023 04:22:14 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 Youth In Global Politics | Policy Dialogue https://youthnetworks.net/youth-in-global-politics-policy-dialogue/ https://youthnetworks.net/youth-in-global-politics-policy-dialogue/#respond Sun, 22 Oct 2023 04:22:14 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4356 Introduction Do you want to learn more about topics such as youth in global politics, green transition, public diplomacy and youth engagement, disinformation, defence, the promotion of peace and security, and human rights? These were some of the topics discussed during the policy dialogue during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022. High […]

L'articolo Youth In Global Politics | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.


Do you want to learn more about topics such as youth in global politics, green transition, public diplomacy and youth engagement, disinformation, defence, the promotion of peace and security, and human rights?

These were some of the topics discussed during the policy dialogue during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022.

High Representative/vice-president, Josep Borrell organised a conference in which 18 young people from all over Europe participated and shared their views on the EU foreign policy.

If you could not attend the event read on to find out what were the results of the discussion. You can also find more information about the event on the official website.

The objectives of the dialogue

The conference focused mainly on the following topics:

  1. Host a platform where the young leaders of tomorrow could present and discuss with the HR/VP youth initiatives that play (or could play) a role in foreign affairs.
  2. Bring together young experts and today’s policy makers, forging a constructive dialogue on the future of the European Union in the world.
  3. Discuss the role of youth on EU foreign affairs and share a young vision for the future of the EU and youth in global politics, as the leaders of tomorrow.

The event was a useful opportunity to share views among participants and create new guidelines for future decisions.

Take aways from the dialogue

At the end of the event participants could draw some final decisions that the EU commission will use in the future for new youth policies.

These were the take aways from the dialogue:

  1. A youth approach to EU Foreign Policy, including Security and Defence. A few people brought up the point that security encompasses more than just military activities and can also refer to more general topics like social welfare, economy, and climate change.
  2. Youth participation in External Action. The EU should further encourage youth participation in EU external policies and actions. It is important to implement programs like the EU Youth Action Plan.
  3. Cultural exchanges between Europe and the World. Participants discussed on how culture is much more than just the arts or literature. It encompasses customs, ancestry, understanding between people, history, and knowledge in general. In order to do this, cultural diplomacy is crucial. Participants commented programs like Erasmus+ for serving as a model of are useful to achieve these goals.
  4. Living conditions of youth worldwide. It is very important that the youth perspective are taken into account in all policy goals, including EU external activity.


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Addressing the Brain Drain from the EU | Policy Dialogue

L'articolo Youth In Global Politics | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.

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Addressing the Brain Drain from the EU | Policy Dialogue https://youthnetworks.net/addressing-the-brain-drain-from-the-eu-policy-dialogue/ https://youthnetworks.net/addressing-the-brain-drain-from-the-eu-policy-dialogue/#respond Tue, 17 Oct 2023 13:20:14 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4347 Introduction Are you aware of the brain drain that affects many of Europe’s countries and regions? This theme was addressed during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022 by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira. It was an event that allowed young participants from all over Europe to discuss among themselves and try to find solutions […]

L'articolo Addressing the Brain Drain from the EU | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.


Are you aware of the brain drain that affects many of Europe’s countries and regions?

This theme was addressed during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022 by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira.

It was an event that allowed young participants from all over Europe to discuss among themselves and try to find solutions to this increasingly evident phenomenon.

If you’re interested in learning more about the phenomenon of brain drain but missed the event, read on and learn how to stream the conference summary video.

Take aways from the dialogue

The discussion focused on the factors that are allowing young graduates or professionals to remain and work in their native regions include:

  1. The availability of job opportunities with favourable conditions. One of the key elements influencing the choice to stay in their home region is the presence of attractive employment prospects. Apart from salaries, other job-related aspects, like access to social protection, contract types and an inclusive workplace, play a role.
  2. The quality of life in the regions. Economic considerations are not the sole deciding factors. Young professionals also assess the overall quality of life. Many rural areas face challenges in providing this full spectrum of services, often requiring investments to enhance regional appeal.
  3. The significance of effective public governance. A lack of trust in public institutions and corruption act as significant deterrents to the attractiveness of regions and member states. It’s essential for young individuals to feel like integral members of society through effective democratic and participation mechanisms.

The Video Resume

To find out more about the topic watch the video summary of the event on the official website.


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A Better Reset of the EU Budget | Policy Dialogue

L'articolo Addressing the Brain Drain from the EU | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.

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A Better Reset of the EU Budget | Policy Dialogue https://youthnetworks.net/better-reset-of-the-eu-budget-policy-dialogue/ https://youthnetworks.net/better-reset-of-the-eu-budget-policy-dialogue/#respond Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:29:41 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4340 Introduction If you are interested to know how the European Parliament intends to change the distribution of the EU budget in the future and what areas the European financial plan should focus on keep reading! During the Policy dialogue with EU Commissioner Johannes, participants addressed the issue of the European budget for youth opportunities. During […]

L'articolo A Better Reset of the EU Budget | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.


If you are interested to know how the European Parliament intends to change the distribution of the EU budget in the future and what areas the European financial plan should focus on keep reading!

During the Policy dialogue with EU Commissioner Johannes, participants addressed the issue of the European budget for youth opportunities.

During the event that took place on the occasion of the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022, 12 young people from all over Europe participated and discussed the issue and try to meet a common point.

If you are interested in the topic read on and find out how to see the video summary of the event!

Take aways from the dialogue

The event was a useful meeting to bring out new points of view and try to calibrate future choices by listening to the opinions of young participants.

The following points are the result of the debate:

  1. Youth Test on the MFF and the Financial Regulation. The EU budget serves as a long-term financial instrument for implementing EU policies. For example, funds borrowed through initiatives like NextGenerationEU necessitate repayment over a three-decade horizon. Because of that it should prioritise the interests and consequences for the youth.
  2. Increasing the size of the EU budget as well as competences of the EU as a whole. The EU should be endowed with greater financial resources and enhanced political authority to proactively address matters that affect all EU citizens, effectively representing the interests of the entire European community.
  3. Enhancing communication efforts in Member States. To address this issue, there must be a significant escalation in communication initiatives throughout regions and cities across the EU. It is imperative that every EU citizen, at the very least, receives a fundamental education about the EU’s operations, its mission, and its significance.

The Video Resume

To find out more about the topic watch the video summary of the event on the official website.


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L'articolo A Better Reset of the EU Budget | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.

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The future of Finance in the EU | Policy Dialogue https://youthnetworks.net/the-future-of-finance-in-the-eu-policy-dialogue/ https://youthnetworks.net/the-future-of-finance-in-the-eu-policy-dialogue/#respond Tue, 10 Oct 2023 12:32:20 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4322 Introduction If you are passionate about finance and want to discover new European policies on this topic read on! During the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022, Commissioner McGuinness held a dialogue with young people from throughout Europe about their vision for the future of finance. The event was a useful discussion for […]

L'articolo The future of Finance in the EU | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.


If you are passionate about finance and want to discover new European policies on this topic read on!

During the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022, Commissioner McGuinness held a dialogue with young people from throughout Europe about their vision for the future of finance.

The event was a useful discussion for participants (young people from all over Europe from 18 to 25 years) to discuss and compare their opinions.

At the end of the meeting, options were drawn up to improve future European policies and improve the living conditions of young people.

If you have not been able to attend the event but are interested to know more about this topic read on and learn how to see the video summary of the conference.

The topics of the dialogue

The policy dialogue addressed the impact of the economic factor on the lives of young Europeans.

It has been discussed how the economy is changing over time and for this reason it is necessary to resort to new decisions to regulate the new existing types.

The participants discussed in particular:

1. Sustainable finance:

  • Emphasising the importance of an equitable transition that doesn’t exclude anyone, both within Europe and on a global scale.
  • The necessity to establish consistent sustainability finance information standards, such as ESG ratings, to guarantee comparability and trustworthiness, while combatting deceptive environmental claims.

2. Digital finance:

  • Across Europe, young individuals want to adoption of contactless digital payments and express excitement about advancements in the realm of digital currencies, including the concept of a digital euro. Europe should endorse financial innovation while maintaining safeguards for overall financial stability and individual protection.

3. Financial literacy and inclusion

  • A new EU initiative or promotional campaign aimed at enhancing financial literacy should extend beyond the current efforts in this field. It should consider the following points:
    • Ensuring that young people have access to financial literacy programs, starting either in primary schools or, at the latest, in secondary schools. Alternatively, targeting parents to pass on this knowledge to their children.
    • Expanding financial education beyond the traditional educational system to reach marginalised communities and individuals who did not receive financial education during their school years.
    • While emphasising the importance of individual financial education, it should not undermine collective measures aimed at supporting social and economic well-being.

The Video Resume

To find out more about the topic watch the video summary of the event on the official website.


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Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue

L'articolo The future of Finance in the EU | Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.

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The Energy Crisis and Inflation | Dialogue with Young Europeans https://youthnetworks.net/the-energy-crisis-and-inflation-dialogue-with-young-europeans/ https://youthnetworks.net/the-energy-crisis-and-inflation-dialogue-with-young-europeans/#respond Tue, 03 Oct 2023 13:42:38 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4311 Introduction One of the current issues affecting all European citizens is the increase in the cost of energy and of life in general. The theme was discussed by Executive vice-president Dombrovskis during a Policy Dialogue on 10 January during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022. The event was attended by young people […]

L'articolo The Energy Crisis and Inflation | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.


One of the current issues affecting all European citizens is the increase in the cost of energy and of life in general.

The theme was discussed by Executive vice-president Dombrovskis during a Policy Dialogue on 10 January during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022.

The event was attended by young people from all over Europe.

They were able to exchange ideas on the subject and propose a series of solutions to this current problem.

If you missed the live discussion keep reading and find out how you can view the recorded version on the European Commission’s live stream page.

The focus of the dialogue

During the event, the participants discussed many issues related to the increase in the cost of living and energy in the European Union.

They tried to identify the causes (such as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine) and at the end of the event they drawn up a series of proposals to this problem.

The conference discussed the following points:

  1. How can we support EU citizens to deal with the immediate effects of the energy crisis and inflation?
  2. How can we build a fair, more inclusive and sustainable future for the next generation?
  3. How can we safeguard our fundamental values while building stronger cooperation with like-minded countries?

The discussion allowed the 15 participants from all over Europe to discuss this topic and to express their opinions.

The take aways from the dialogue

At the end of the event were drawn up three key points that will be used to create awareness among the young generations of Europe:

  1. It’s crucial to take measures towards the people and sectors that need them the most and safeguard the most vulnerable through well-targeted policies.
  2. When crafting policies for the future, the foremost concern is establishing the right budget, investments, and incentives to combat climate change. There’s a need to evaluate the impact of these policies on younger generations by introducing a Youth Test.
  3. Diversifying energy sources and supporting the innovation for the shift to renewable energy.
  4. Collaboration is indispensable in this transition. The participation of youth organisations is crucial in creating appropriate policies. Moreover, expanding our partnerships with countries outside the EU is essential.

The Video Resume

To find out more about the topic watch the video summary of the event on the official website.


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Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue

L'articolo The Energy Crisis and Inflation | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

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Sustainable Europe | Dialogue with Young Europeans https://youthnetworks.net/sustainable-europe-dialogue-with-young-europeans/ https://youthnetworks.net/sustainable-europe-dialogue-with-young-europeans/#respond Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:37:45 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4300 Introduction The small gestures we make during our days have a great impact on the planet where we live and it is important to take new action to live in a sustainable Europe. Without realising it, in fact, the choice during our purchases, the food we buy, the objects we own have great effects on […]

L'articolo Sustainable Europe | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.


The small gestures we make during our days have a great impact on the planet where we live and it is important to take new action to live in a sustainable Europe.

Without realising it, in fact, the choice during our purchases, the food we buy, the objects we own have great effects on the environment and climate change.

The future hinges on our capacity to shift towards a circular economy. This means not only encouraging companies to produce goods sustainably but also altering our consumer habits to repair, reuse, and recycle products, extending their lifespan whenever feasible.

These issues were addressed during the policy dialogue conducted by Executive vice-president Frans Timmermans. If you are interested in learning more about sustainability in Europe, read on and learn how to watch the event video in streaming.

The aims of the dialogue

During the event, the theme of sustainable Europe was addressed. Participants talk about how European citizens can make more informed choices for the protection of the environment.

The conference discussed the following points:

  1. How to ensure that shoppers have access to information about the sustainability of foodstuffs and products
  2. How to avoid greenwashing and ensure that consumers can trust the sustainability claims made by producers
  3. How to design products that have a longer lifespan to avoid ‘planned obsolescence

The discussion allowed the 15 participants from all over Europe to discuss this topic and to express their opinions.

The topics of the discussion

At the end of the event were drawn up three key points that will be used to create awareness among the young generations of Europe:

  1. Sustainable Production. The consensus among participants was that it’s essential to cultivate greater interest among industries in sustainable choices. Additionally, there’s a need to persuade consumers to opt for less plastic and provide them with more sustainable alternatives.
  2. Energy. During his conversation with young participants, Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans emphasized the significance of transforming the energy production methods in Europe and enhancing our daily energy efficiency. These measures will diminish our reliance on Russian oil and gas.
  3. Food. During the conversation participants proposed the idea that, similar to energy labels, a straightforward labelling system could be useful for food. However, he cautioned against the risk of greenwashing and false labelling, stressing the importance of creating certifiable and easily comprehensible labels.Furthermore, he pointed out that producing food closer to consumers facilitates better traceability back to the producer.

The Video Resume

If you are curious and interested in finding out more about the topic you can see the video summary of the event on the official website.


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Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue

L'articolo Sustainable Europe | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

https://youthnetworks.net/sustainable-europe-dialogue-with-young-europeans/feed/ 0
Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue https://youthnetworks.net/climate-change-and-humanitarian-aid-policy-dialogue/ https://youthnetworks.net/climate-change-and-humanitarian-aid-policy-dialogue/#respond Fri, 22 Sep 2023 13:18:24 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4279 Introduction Climate change and humanitarian aid are two of the most discussed issues in recent years and requires urgent solutions. That is why it is extremely important to involve the new generations, because they will have to deal with the serious consequences caused by these phenomenons. For this reason, on 15 November 2022, the commissioner Janez Lenarčič […]

L'articolo Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.


Climate change and humanitarian aid are two of the most discussed issues in recent years and requires urgent solutions.

That is why it is extremely important to involve the new generations, because they will have to deal with the serious consequences caused by these phenomenons.

For this reason, on 15 November 2022, the commissioner Janez Lenarčič led a conference attended by 14 young participants from all over Europe.

There were 12 participants between 18 and 28 years old that were selected via their personal interest and global concern towards humanitarian affairs. They were joined by two representatives of the European Youth Forum.

The conference allowed to create a moment of discussion about the impact that climate change has on our lives.

Young people were able to express their views, proposing alternatives and solutions to this problem.

If you missed the event, read on and learn how to watch the conference video.

The aims of the dialogue

This event took place as part of the European Year of Youth, which aimed to engage young people in building a greener, more inclusive and digital future for Europe.

Throughout this conference, the participants engaged focused particularly on humanitarian aid on a global scale, matters related to Ukraine, and the adaptation to climate change to cater to the needs of the younger generation.

Their input and concerns were very useful, as they play a pivotal role in ensuring the ongoing delivery of EU aid, with special emphasis on providing consistent support to those in the greatest need.

The topics of the discussion

The outcome of the event can be summarised as follows:

  1. Increase EU humanitarian aid funding to keep up with the consequences of crisis both on the European level and globally. Address food security at global level and the special needs of young people during crisis. Facilitate structural changes to tackle the root causes of crises. In international fora, advocate for an increased cooperation with Member States and other organisations. Tackle refugee needs at the EU level addressing situations in border regions.
  2. Prioritize education in emergencies and boost youth participation in societies, with an increase in the allocation of humanitarian funds to education (above the current 10% objective). Recognise the significance of education for the development of countries affected by a crisis. Address the importance of teachers’ resilience in crises with more training, more budget and more healthcare in emergencies.
  3. Prepare for the future with relevant solutions of climate change consequences. Learn to better tackle climate change effects with the use of science and innovative technologies. Strengthen prevention, preparedness and emergency response by including climate adaptation measures, compensations for countries at risk, stronger collaboration with EU national authorities.
  4. Consider the creation of a permanent youth panel on humanitarian issues

The Video Resume

The event was very useful and allowed to draw some food for thought for future decisions on these issues.

If you want to learn what more about the event you can view the video resume on the official website.


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Young People in Agriculture | Dialogue with Young Europeans

Mental Health in the EU | Dialogue with Young Europeans

L'articolo Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid | The Policy Dialogue proviene da Youth Networks.

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Young People in Agriculture | Dialogue with Young Europeans https://youthnetworks.net/young-people-in-agriculture-dialogue-with-young-europeans/ https://youthnetworks.net/young-people-in-agriculture-dialogue-with-young-europeans/#respond Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:56:26 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4272 Introduction The future of agriculture and sustainability depends heavily on the young population. In recent years in particular, the average age of agricultural workers has risen considerably: only one tenth of European farmers are under 44 years old. For this reason, one of the priorities of the new Common Agricultural Policy is to encourage young […]

L'articolo Young People in Agriculture | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.


The future of agriculture and sustainability depends heavily on the young population.

In recent years in particular, the average age of agricultural workers has risen considerably: only one tenth of European farmers are under 44 years old.

For this reason, one of the priorities of the new Common Agricultural Policy is to encourage young people to explore this type of work and support those who want to start their career in sustainable agriculture.

Beyond agriculture, another goal of the new policy is to improve rural quality of life by supporting rural service provision, infrastructure and rural economic.

These issues were discussed in the Policy Dialogue with Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wokciechowski. If you couldn’t attend the event, read on and learn how to watch the event’s streaming video.

The key point of the discussion

The event was useful to discuss the importance of agriculture and the introduction of young people in this type of work.

Participants had the opportunity to dialogue with the organisers and share their views on these issues.

The dialogue followed the following key points:

  • What are the main worries and key opportunities for youth in agriculture and rural areas?
  • How the CAP supports young farmers?
  • How young people can be empowered to take an active role in local development?
  • Other relevant topics such as animal welfare or maintenance of rural areas?

These questions were useful to better organise the meeting and allowed to create a dialogue between the participants and the organisers.

The topics of the discussion

The outcome of the event can be summarised as follows:

  1. Generational renewal. There are difficulties for the young farmers because of difficulties to have access to land, limited services in rural areas, limited revenues, high risks and limited insurance systems, increased by the climate change, as well as social recognition of agriculture. The first instalments support should take these elements into account. The young farmers voiced that more incentives and less red tape would be desirable under the Common Agriculture Policy.
  2. Quality, not quantity. The added value of the EU agricultural products is related to the quality and safety, which is the highest in the world and this should be further promoted.
  3. Revenues for farmers should be increased, not least by increasing the share of prices paid by consumers into farmers’ revenues. Decreasing the abuse of position by supermarkets, guaranteeing that the prices paid by supermarkets cannot be lower than the production costs could also ensure higher revenues for farmers
  4. EU funding for agriculture. EU funding instruments should contribute to support rural areas, such as cohesion funds and Recovery and Resilience Facility.

The Video Resume

If you want to learn what more about the event you can view the video resume on the official website.


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L'articolo Young People in Agriculture | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

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Mental Health in the EU | Dialogue with Young Europeans https://youthnetworks.net/mental-health-in-the-eu-dialogue-with-young-europeans/ https://youthnetworks.net/mental-health-in-the-eu-dialogue-with-young-europeans/#respond Fri, 15 Sep 2023 08:48:24 +0000 https://youthnetworks.net/?p=4266 Introduction Last years have been full of difficult events, especially for young people. COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, high prices and energy costs have made the lives of European citizens particularly complicated and have had a great impact on the mental health of citizens. President Von der Leyen, during the last speech of the […]

L'articolo Mental Health in the EU | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.


Last years have been full of difficult events, especially for young people. COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, high prices and energy costs have made the lives of European citizens particularly complicated and have had a great impact on the mental health of citizens.

President Von der Leyen, during the last speech of the State of the Union on February 22, spoke of the importance of mental health.

Methodologies to promote and improve the health of young people were also discussed. If you missed the live talk continue reading the article and find out the topics of the speech.

The aim of the discussion

The aim of the speech is to promote the mental health of citizens, in particular in challenging socioeconomic circumstances.

Young people had the opportunity to exchange on their experiences, and provide suggestions and insights into the ways we can truly move towards a new approach to mental health that truly delivers for all EU citizens with Commissioner Kyriakides.

What has been discussed?

The following are just a few of the points discussed during the debate on 22 February:

  1. Mental well-being plays a crucial role within the framework of the European Health Union, impacting individuals across diverse walks of life. Various individuals encounter distinct obstacles throughout different life phases, often driven by unique factors, necessitating differents approach to address these problems.
  2. Incorporating the perspective of young individuals into the creation and execution of mental health policies is very important. The EU’s choices significantly influence the mental well-being of young people, necessitating an “all policies” approach.
  3. The COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine have intensified mental health difficulties, affecting the most vulnerable. To foster acceptance of diversity and establish secure environments, it’s very important to prioritise training, teaching, and education. Additionally, investing in services in Ukraine is essential.
  4. Mental health carries an unjustified stigma, despite its potential impact on anyone. To avoid this stigma, we should promote awareness while respecting cultural diversity.
  5. Promoting strong mental well-being and preventive measures is crucial. It is equally important to ensure accessible and affordable mental health assistance to everyone in need. This necessitates the availability of trained psychologists capable of working with young individuals, vulnerable populations, and those confronting particular hardships. Collaboration with educational institutions and workplaces should also be part of this effort.

The Video Resume

If this article has intrigued you and you want to deepen the topics addressed during the speech of President von der Leyen, you can review the streaming on the official website of the European Commission.


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L'articolo Mental Health in the EU | Dialogue with Young Europeans proviene da Youth Networks.

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