eramus+ Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Tue, 24 Oct 2023 11:12:45 +0000 en hourly 1 Annual Work Programme 2024 | The financing of Erasmus+ Tue, 24 Oct 2023 11:12:25 +0000 Introduction If you are interested in discovering the latest decisions of the European Parliament regarding the funding of Erasmus+ projects, read on! The 2024 annual work programme is available online, explaining the criteria for dividing the budget between the various youth mobility projects. The document is available for download in the pdf version and you […]

L'articolo Annual Work Programme 2024 | The financing of Erasmus+ proviene da Youth Networks.


If you are interested in discovering the latest decisions of the European Parliament regarding the funding of Erasmus+ projects, read on! The 2024 annual work programme is available online, explaining the criteria for dividing the budget between the various youth mobility projects.

The document is available for download in the pdf version and you can find the version in French, German and English.

General Overview

The introduction to the document specifies the general overview of the Erasmus+ programme:

The Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond, with its underlying sectoral agendas, advancing youth policy cooperation under the Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport. The programme also offers a strong international dimension contributing to a stronger voice for Europe in the world.

The goals of the programme

The work programme also explain the objectives that the programme aims to achieve through youth mobility projects:

  1. The learning mobility of individuals and groups, and cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation.
  2. Non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people.
  3. The learning mobility of sport staff, and cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation.

Then you can find the grants, procurements and other actions concerning the various mobility programmes and for each chapter the various field in which Erasmus+ operates.

In addition to budgets, for each program you can find a description of the various activities and objectives set for each sector.

The field that compete Erasmus+:

  • Education and training
  • Youth
  • Sport

How to read the programme

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we suggest you download the agenda from the official website.


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L'articolo Annual Work Programme 2024 | The financing of Erasmus+ proviene da Youth Networks.

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Europe Talks Solidarity | Discover this Online Podcast Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:31:49 +0000 Introduction Discover “Europe Talks Solidarity“, the online podcast that reflects on the impact on society through the programs funded by Erasmus+. This audio journey takes you through Europe and beyond in the search of a common narrative on solidarity inspired by civil society activists and researchers. This is a podcast of SALTO European Solidarity Corps, […]

L'articolo Europe Talks Solidarity | Discover this Online Podcast proviene da Youth Networks.


Discover “Europe Talks Solidarity“, the online podcast that reflects on the impact on society through the programs funded by Erasmus+.

This audio journey takes you through Europe and beyond in the search of a common narrative on solidarity inspired by civil society activists and researchers.

This is a podcast of SALTO European Solidarity Corps, produced by Instituto Now.

The Podcast

Europe Talks Solidarity” is an online podcast, which you can listen to through major online streaming platforms (Spotify, GooglePodcast, Apple Podcast or YouTube).

There are currently 19 episodes available, each of which tries to explain and reflect on the positive impact that solidarity projects have on society.

The episodes are recorded by civil society activists and by researchers and are about the environment, society, politics, public health and reflect on strategies to improve the quality of life in the countries of the European Union.

The last episode

In the latest episode SALTO European Solidarity Corps visits Linda Ulane from Latvia and Daniel Gismera from Spain. Both are developing projects with young people in prisons.

The purpose of the episode is to explain what happens when solidarity projects involve those who have been excluded from society and how prisons are by definition barriers to participation.

The last episode revolves on the following topics:

  • how solidarity can bridge detained young people with the rest of society;
  • and how their projects support prisoners in their inclusion in society at the end of their sentence.

How to partecipate

All episodes are available online and can be listened to for free through major streaming platforms.

You can also see the list of episodes and the topics of each episode on the official website of Salto-Youth.


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L'articolo Europe Talks Solidarity | Discover this Online Podcast proviene da Youth Networks.

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