Healthcare Archivi - Youth Networks Policies, Grants, European calls and more Thu, 15 Jul 2021 07:32:36 +0000 en hourly 1 How To Get The Vaccine In Italy as a Foreigner Thu, 15 Jul 2021 07:32:33 +0000 If you are an organisation dealing with youth mobility and the European Solidarity Corps projects, you might have wondered how your volunteers in Italy can get the anti-Covid vaccine, being them foreigners in a foreign country. Based on our experience, we are able to give you the full details on how to get the anti-Covid […]

L'articolo How To Get The Vaccine In Italy as a Foreigner proviene da Youth Networks.

If you are an organisation dealing with youth mobility and the European Solidarity Corps projects, you might have wondered how your volunteers in Italy can get the anti-Covid vaccine, being them foreigners in a foreign country.

Based on our experience, we are able to give you the full details on how to get the anti-Covid vaccine as a foreigner in Italy.

The Anti-Covid Vaccination In Italy

Our experience area covers just Italy, so if your volunteers are based in another EU country please refer to the National Agency for help.

Moreover, the vaccination process may vary from region to another. Keep in mind to check on the process that best suits your volunteers’ situation.

How To Obtain a Fiscal Code in Italy

The very first thing to do, is to get a Fiscal Code, if they don’t have one already.

In Italy, the Anti-Covid vaccine is available to anyone with a National Fiscal Code, which is your reference identification number. The Fiscal Code is a code made up of letters and numbers on the basis of your first name, family name, date and place of birth and it is used by the Public Administration to identify the citizens living in Italy. All those living in Italy need to have their own.

The first step is therefore, if they don’t have one already, to get a Fiscal Code from Agenzia delle Entrate, the fiscal agency of the public administration.

To receive the Fiscal Code it is necessary to fill out the Form called “Modello AA4 8“, that you can easily find for download. After that, the process goes entirely online.

The second step is to send by email (the personal email of the volunteer) the “Modello AA4 8” to the Agenzia delle Entrate office closest to them. To find out which offices are in their area, check out the website. In 1-working day they will receive an email attesting the Fiscal Code, which is mandatory to book an anti-Covid vaccine.

The Vaccination in Lombardy Region

In Lombardy Region, once obtained the Fiscal Code, they have to access the Vaccination Portal. There are different options. Click on “Clicca qui” as showed below.

Scroll down, click on the green button “Prenota Vaccino” and in the middle of the page you will see the following copy:

Click on “link” in green. This is necessary to pre-register and validate the Fiscal Code. Insert the information required: the new Fiscal Code, First and Second Name (“Nome”, “Cognome”), birth date (“Data di nascita”), and a telephone number (“Numero di telefono”). When providing a telephone number, please remember that it must be an Italian telephone number. If they don’t have one already, they can use someone else’s number, as long as it is an Italian one. Eventually, click on “Invia“. The Fiscal Code can take up to 72 hours to be validated.

We invite the volunteers to keep on trying to book their anti-Covid vaccine in any case, as the public administration will not tell them when the Fiscal Code is ready to be used.

Once the Fiscal Code is validated, go back to the Vaccination Portal. Click on “Prenota Vaccino” (do not insert your data here) and scrolling down, in the middle of the page, you will see the following copy:

Click on “link” in green.

Going further, you will see the following page in which you have to select “Cittadino straniero in emersione” under “Seleziona tipologia”. And then to insert the Fiscal Code, under “Codice Fiscale o Codice Univoco”.

Remember to flag the Data Protection release.

And finally click on “Accedi“, on the bottom of the page. They will be asked to provide further information on the area where they are living in, therefore the city/town/village and the related postal code.

They will then be able to see which time-slots are available for booking and choose the one that they prefer.

The Vaccination in Italian Regions

The online process to book an anti-Covid vaccine in Italian regions other than Lombardy do not vary. The only difference is that the online process must go through the following Vaccination Portal: Vaccinazione in Italia. The steps showed above are exactly the same on this (even) different website.

What to do Next

Once booked the anti-Covid vaccine, they will receive a QR code. Such QR code must be shown when going to the appointment. Please also remember them to bring the identification documents and the Fiscal Code. 

We do not have enough information about getting the second vaccine dose in a different country, meaning that if you have already been vaccinated in your home country and willing to get the second dose in Italy, this is still not possible, as the European public administration are still on the way to be coordinated.

Read also

HOP Online Erasmus Plus Learning

L'articolo How To Get The Vaccine In Italy as a Foreigner proviene da Youth Networks.

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Indications of the Erasmus+ Agency for the management of the Covid-19 emergency Mon, 24 Feb 2020 15:06:40 +0000 The National Youth Agency informs that all Erasmus+ activities: Youth and ESC that take place in ITALY, and in particular in the Regions (so far: Lombardia, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Calabria) where the ordinances are in force concerning “Urgent measures for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency […]

L'articolo Indications of the Erasmus+ Agency for the management of the Covid-19 emergency proviene da Youth Networks.

The National Youth Agency informs that all Erasmus+ activities: Youth and ESC that take place in ITALY, and in particular in the Regions (so far: Lombardia, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Calabria) where the ordinances are in force concerning “Urgent measures for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID -2019 “, can be definitively canceled, postponed and/or subsequently rescheduled, due to force majeure, in order to protect the health of Italian and foreign participants and avoid the spread of COVID-19.

All organizations involved (whether they are direct beneficiaries or project partners) in mobility activities within Erasmus +: Youth and ESC in the national territory are required to comply fully with the ordinances ordered by the Ministry of Health and the Region Presidents. The organizations are required to liaise with the competent local and health authorities and are invited to inform the National Youth Agency of the decisions taken

There will be the opportunity to ask the Italian National Agency for a refund of the costs of the activities and mobilities that will be canceled due to this situation. The Agency has not yet communicated on how to proceed with the request, or whether the lump-sum or only the actual expenditures will be refunded.

For more information check the official announcement (in Italian) HERE and HERE.

L'articolo Indications of the Erasmus+ Agency for the management of the Covid-19 emergency proviene da Youth Networks.

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Erasmus+ and Brexit: what is it going to happen after 29 March? Thu, 21 Mar 2019 14:11:56 +0000 On 19 March, the European Council adopted a regulation with which the funding for ongoing mobilities between UK and EU has been secured. This follows the vote of wednesday in the European Parliament. Although the Brexit date is approaching, Erasmus+ participants that have already left can then be sure that the projects they’re participating in […]

L'articolo Erasmus+ and Brexit: what is it going to happen after 29 March? proviene da Youth Networks.

On 19 March, the European Council adopted a regulation with which the funding for ongoing mobilities between UK and EU has been secured. This follows the vote of wednesday in the European Parliament. Although the Brexit date is approaching, Erasmus+ participants that have already left can then be sure that the projects they’re participating in will be financed through their entire lifetime.

The proposal of European Commission

Last week MEPs voted for a set of contingency measures meant to safeguard the teachers, students and any other E+ participant currently abroad. Those were set out in the proposal that the European Commission put forward on 30 January 2019, available here.

Such proposal was issued by EU Parliament and EU Council, in order to prevent the risk that, due to the Brexit:

The current EU-27 and UK Erasmus+ participants would have to interrupt their learning mobility activities. Many students would lose their academic credits and could be obliged to repeat their academic semester or year. This would be a very disruptive impact for students themselves as well as for their sending and hosting institutions.

What will be the fate of the Erasmus+ Programme beneficiaries now?

With the time running up, the final vote of the EU Council secured the ongoing mobilities – and the ones due to start within 30 March, the “date of withdrawal”. Students, learners and people involved in any kind of E+ funded activity will continue to get European funds without any other prejudice. A big relief, considering the uncertainity of the situation.

This applies to beneficiaries of funding awarded before the date of withdrawal. And after that? Many British young people are seriously worried, and not without reason. In case of a no-deal Brexit, infact, the beneficiaries that have not started their mobility yet are still outstanding. As the Guardian reported, they can’t be sure about whether or not they will be able to count non only on scholarships (if Erasmus+ students or learners) or other types of financial support (for volunteering), but also on health insurance – the truth is that, as for now, UK citizens can’t even be sure if their driving licences will still be valid in EU-27, after Brexit.

What if a a deal will not be reached?

Actually, the funding for mobilities starting within 30 March were already provided for in the general EU budget. The issue at stake is rather that the Brexit will happen while the seven-year-period 2014/2020 of Erasmus+ Programme is still ongoing: the challenge, in a no-deal scenario, is to secure the mobilities until 2020.

The base of the proposal is the EU Regulation No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that governs the Erasmus+ programme for the above-mentioned period. Basically, the contigency measures adopted these last days fall under the obligations undertaken by the UK according to the general EU budget.

As for the rest, a technical note released by the UK government just states that:

There are a range of options for the UK’s continued participation in Erasmus+ and ESC, including programme country status, partner country status or another arrangement 2. Partner country access to Erasmus+ varies between different regional groups 3.

Some solutions to continue to take part in the Erasmus+ Programme after 2020 are currently under consideration. They can be either through an arrangement between the UK and the EU, so to make the UK partner country of the EU-27, or with an implementation of a series of bilateral agreements between the UK and the member states.

L'articolo Erasmus+ and Brexit: what is it going to happen after 29 March? proviene da Youth Networks.

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Call for co-operation study sessions between Council of Europe and youth organisations Thu, 07 Mar 2019 11:56:06 +0000 Twice a year, the Council of Europe opens a call for study sessions on relevant topics in the framework of the priorities 2020-2021 of the Youth Sector. The call is open for non-governmental youth organisations, networks and other non-governmental structures involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe’s youth policy.  The activities […]

L'articolo Call for co-operation study sessions between Council of Europe and youth organisations proviene da Youth Networks.

Twice a year, the Council of Europe opens a call for study sessions on relevant topics in the framework of the priorities 2020-2021 of the Youth Sector.

The call is open for non-governmental youth organisations, networks and other non-governmental structures involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe’s youth policy. 

The activities will be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest. They will be embedded in the study session for the first semester, starting on 1st October. 

Study sessions are international youth events lasting between 4 and 8 days which bring together members of youth organisations or networks and experts for discussions on a specific subject relevant to the priorities 2020-2021 of the Council of Europe Youth sector.

The deadline for applications (1st semester 2020) is 1st April 2019.

L'articolo Call for co-operation study sessions between Council of Europe and youth organisations proviene da Youth Networks.

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